Early Years

The Best Possible Start

Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) ensures the development of the ‘whole child’, with exploration and practical learning forming a central part of the child’s experience. Indoor and outdoor learning are mixed throughout the days.


At this stage, the focus is on developing and building a strong foundation in literacy, mathematics, expressive arts & design, personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, understanding of the world and physical development.

Through Play

We believe in delivering a well-rounded education that nurtures creativity, resilient individuals, and in communication and collaboration skills through play-based learning.

English Mandarin Immersion Programme

Integrating 50-50 delivery in English and Mandarin, encompassing key elements of British Curriculum, Singapore Math, and the International Chinese Curriculum.


Our approach goes beyond academics, nurturing personal growth and development, instilling invaluable leadership qualities that last a lifetime.

Foundation for
Lifelong Learning

We provide personalised attention to enhance your child’s academic journey, so they can shape their future success in the most holistic way

The Best of Both Worlds

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