Friday Flyer-Issue 182


Headmaster's Welcome

We hope you have enjoyed a good week. Epsom has been busy in the run up to the term break - Year 11 and 13 students have been checking in with staff as they prepare for their upcoming examinations and we have enjoyed a range of enrichment activities as you can see HERE.

Towards the end of this term we accept applications from those students aspiring to become Prefects and this has led us to consider Leadership. This is undeniably a multifaceted skill that transcends mere authority. Leadership requires understanding, empathy, and responsibility. As they learn to lead, individuals acquire invaluable traits such as active listening, adaptability, and the art of compromise. A holistic education fosters not only personal growth but also cultivates a future generation of capable and empathetic leaders.

Learning to lead encompasses a myriad of qualities essential for navigating the complexities of human interaction. It involves the ability to read the room, discerning unspoken cues, and diverse perspectives. Effective leadership demands humility, as true leaders prioritise collective welfare over personal gain. They recognise the importance of serving others, addressing their needs with integrity and sincerity.

Leadership entails timely and decisive action, knowing when to voice opinions and when to remain silent. It requires resilience in the face of adversity and the determination to persevere despite challenges. Amidst the responsibilities, leaders must maintain a delicate balance between self-reliance and sensitivity towards the needs and contributions of others.

There appears to be a scarcity of exemplary leaders on the global stage and this underscores the need to nurture leadership qualities from an early age. Society yearns for role models who embody honesty, integrity, and the capacity to inspire positive change. Schools play a pivotal role in this endeavour, providing opportunities for students to hone their leadership skills through various avenues.

Within our school environment, opportunities for leadership abound. Whether it be in the boarding house, classroom group tasks, or extracurricular activities, students are presented with platforms to lead and collaborate. Engaging in co-curricular activities (CCAs) or academic societies empowers students to take initiative, organise events, and develop essential organisational and interpersonal skills. We were delighted to receive Beacon Status from during our recent COBIS accreditation visit for Leadership at Epsom.

Viewed as a microcosm of society, schools serve as laboratories where future leaders can experiment, learn from failures, and grow. Embracing a culture of experimentation and learning from mistakes instils resilience and adaptability—qualities indispensable for effective leadership in a fast changing world.

Jing Yan and Elliot, our outgoing Heads of College, have demonstrated excellent student leadership. Their initiative in hosting an Epsom Live Talk on Navigating Leadership not only garnered significant participation but also provided valuable insights for both students and adults alike. They have earned the respect of their peers and inspire confidence in the potential of the next generation of leaders.

Friday Flyer

Learning to lead is not just a component of education; it is education. By fostering leadership skills, schools equip students with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern world with a sense of responsibility and purpose, empowering them to effect positive change in their communities and beyond.

This issue of our Flyer marks the end of Term 2 and what a great term it has been. We wish our exam groups all the very best with their exam preparations and wish everyone a wonderful term break and look forward to what Term 3 has in store.

Happy Reading and Happy Friday!

Mr Matthew Brown, Headmaster
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Navigating Leadership - A Student Led Epsom Live Talk

Last Wednesday, we had the opportunity to moderate an Epsom Live Talk with none other than our very own Heads of College, Elliot and Jing Yan. So far, Epsom Live Talk guests have been well-known and influential figures from all over the world. Elliot and Jing Yan, who have demonstrated superb leadership skills, aptly navigating and managing the myriad of events throughout the ongoing academic year, were no less admirable as guests. Therefore, it did not come as a surprise when Mr. Pedro offered them the opportunity to be the guest speakers of our ELT.

Navigating Leadership” was the theme of this ELT, and as moderators, we were able to glean both useful insights and personal reflections. Elliot and Jing Yan fielded questions ranging from team management, motivation, metrics of success, to personal sacrifices. There were particularly memorable moments, especially due to Elliot’s humorous response. For example, “keeping Mr. Pedro happy” was how he measured success in various perfect initiatives. Much of the ELT took a serious atmosphere as they reflected on their tenure as HOC, including all the peaks and troughs of leading a prefect team throughout the year and delivering projects for the benefit of the wider student population. Jing Yan ended the talk on a caring and loving note when she shared her respect for the fellow prefects and especially how Ann Yi, one of our moderators, is one of her role models. We are certain that the advice that Elliot and Jing Yan gave regarding team management and personal development will be much appreciated by all attendees and will prove useful in future endeavors.

Vincent and Woorin
on behalf of Khai Zhe and Ann Yi

Holman House News

Friday Flyer Friday Flyer

This was the last week of the #HolmanBDD, and we at Holman House had a great time!

We would like to thank everybody who donated and contributed towards this book donation drive, you all have been truly amazing.

Every Tuesdays and Thursdays this past few weeks some of us would set up a table outside the dining hall and spread the word about our event. We also had people go to each house to collect the books that you generously donated.

Friday Flyer

Thank you so much for your kind donations, students, parents and teachers. We would also like to thank BookXcess for contributing towards this drive as well, both by giving books and giving a discount to everybody who decided to buy books online!

Friday Flyer

You are all donating to a noble cause to help our peer community in the ElShaddai Refugee Learning Centre.

As written before in the Friday Flyer, ElShaddai is a school which educates refugees and asylum seekers since they cannot go to government schools or afford private education. Your donations will surely help the students foster a love for learning and reading and advance into their adult life. Rest assured that every book donated will be put to bettering the lives of children.

We as Holman have learnt many skills through the course of this donation drive. It may have seemed like a rocky road since it was our first project, but surely in the projects to come, we will improve and come back better than before. We look forward to hosting more of these types of events in the future and we hope you look forward to them as well!

We plan on handing over your generous donations to ElShaddai on the first week back in Term 3, where our hardworking team will pay a visit to one of their learning centres. Thank you again so much for all of your amazing support and generosity and we hope to see you do the same for our future endeavours.

The Holman House

Crawfurd House Updates

Competing for your house is one of the most exciting and rewarding feelings the students experience while at Epsom. It brings new opportunities, develops friendships and it is a chance to compete in competition.

Crawfurd have had a very successful term competing to a high standard in academic and sporting contests alike. The teams made all 3 of the debate finals and this gave students a platform to develop their communication and collaboration skills. The inter girls team were champions and demonstrated their deep thinking against two strong teams.

Friday Flyer

On the volleyball court the girls also performed well and the standard of play has definitely improved in the past 12 months. One highlight was the intensity and close game from the senior A team against Rosebery.

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We all look forward to more opportunities next term to work together as part of Crawfurd.

Best wishes,
Mrs Helen Miller, Housemistress Crawfurd House

Prep School Updates

Jane Rouson Head of Prep

During the week beginning 18th March, the Prep School was delighted to invite the parents into school for our annual Learning Celebration.

Instead of a standard Parent and Teacher Consultation, in the Spring Term, the Prep School hosted a week-long event to celebrate the learning journey of all the Prep Students.  The event contained the following elements:

  • Each classroom set out a series of student-led activities to give the parents and guests a flavour of the standard of learning in the year group. These activities included art and design making tasks, science challenges, English performances and even planting seeds!
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  • The students also prepared for a personal consultation with their parents to go through their exercise books and learning portfolios.  The children confidently explained where they had made progress and their targets for next term.
    Friday Flyer
  • Each family were also given an appointment with the class teacher to discuss academic and pastoral progress and targets.
  • Finally, some of the specialist teachers also set up ‘drop in surgeries’ if any parents had any subject specific concerns or questions.

It was a very well-attended and joyous event.  We love sharing what we do in the Prep School with parents and visitors.

Prep School Drama Showcase - Around the World with Key Stage 2

On Monday 25th March, parents and guests were treated to a wonderful performance, showcasing this term’s drama work from the Key Stage 2 students.

Each year group from Year 3 to Year 6 have been working on a different aspect of theatre performance in their weekly drama lessons and the children were very keen to show off the results of all their learning.

The performance started in the School theatre where the entire audience watched Year 4 students present their stories to us through the Japanese art form called Rakugo.

Rakugo is a form of Japanese storytelling that is usually done by one person The Year 4 children did it in groups and split up the story into individual parts. The art form involves the performer sitting on their knees throughout the performance and using cloths and fans as props. To show movement, such as running or walking, the performer will move their knees at different speeds.

The use of eye movement,body language and voice are extremely important in this art form because the performer needs to tell the story by becoming the characters at times and setting the scene for the audience. This art form includes humour and always has a punchline at the end.  The Year 4 children did an amazing job at bringing this artform to our stage.

After this, our talented Year 6 tour guides led the audience off to different locations around the school.

The Year 3 children performed Puppet Shows in the Theatre Foyer.

Ever heard of “The Magic Paintbrush” or “The Grateful Tiger”?  “The Magic Paintbrush" is a Chinese tale with a powerful moral, illustrating that generosity triumphs over greed. “The Grateful Tiger” is a Korean story that teaches the moral that we should all pay attention to our actions towards others.

The amazing Year 3 students were given their characters and created their own hand puppets in the Drama lessons. They were then given scripts and learned how to control the hand puppets in a puppet show.

The Year 5s transported their audience to Athens, Greece to experience Ancient Greek Theatre.  The Year 5 students took us into the world of Persephone, the goddess of vegetation, and explored the myth that explains why we have the four different seasons.

The School’s amphitheatre structure is very similar to the structure of the Ancient Greek Theatres. The Year 5s have explored these Greek theatres in their lessons. In their performance there was chorus work. Choral work is one of the many characteristics of Ancient Greek Theatre.

The next venue was the Drama Studio to watch the Year 6 students perform their Shadow Theatre.

The talented Year 6’s have been exploring shadow theatre to present various images that show the impact we as humans have on the world. What a wonderful genre to explore! It was great to see the amazing creativity and work the Year 6’s had created.

The World Tour finished back in the theatre where we were treated to a Gumboot performance by the Year 4 children.

To end we journeyed to South Africa.

Gumboot dancing originated with the mine workers in South Africa. They would hit their gumboots to communicate with each other in the dark mines. This developed into dances in their social time.

The Year 4s showed some of the Zulu words and African beats they had explored in their Drama lessons through gumboot dancing. We are so grateful to Mrs Long for assisting the Year 4’s with their choreography of their gumboot dances.

A big thank you to Mrs Jennifer Garnett for her wonderful drama lessons this term.

Mrs Jane Rouson,
Head of Epsom Prep

Prep School Music Concert

This term, our prep school put on an incredible concert focused on Folk Songs, showcasing the hard work and musical talents of our students. It was a vibrant celebration of music from around the world, starting with our youngest performers. The Early Years, Year 1, and Year 2 students immersed themselves in the vibrant traditions of African music. Their performances brought the audience joy through their singing, dancing, and rhythmic beats played on percussion instruments, showing off their burgeoning musical abilities.

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The concert took the audience on a journey around the globe. Year 3 students performed beautiful Chinese Folk Music using violins, flutes, and cellos, captivating everyone with their skill. Year 4 followed with performances of Korean Folk Music, while Year 5 enchanted the audience with the peaceful sounds of Japanese Folk Music. Year 6 students rounded off the international showcase with their rendition of Western Folk Music, proving the wide range and versatility of our students' musical talents.

A special highlight of the evening was the performance by our CCA Orchestra and Choir, who played a wonderful medley of Malay Folk Songs, including the tunes "Lenggang Kangkung," "Chan Mali Chan," and "Rasa Sayang." Their performance was a testament to the beauty of combining different songs into one harmonious piece.

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Our school choirs also shone brightly during the concert. The younger choirs from Years 1 to 3 sang "Ewau Bule" in the traditional Dikir Barat style, while the older choirs from Years 4 to 6 performed a medley of "Ondeh-Ondeh," "Dayung Sampan," and "Lenggang Kangkung," showcasing their vocal talents and hard work.

The concert concluded with an outstanding performance by the entire prep school choir, bringing all the students together in a display of musical unity and school spirit that was the perfect end to the evening.

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This term also marked the introduction of the alto saxophone to our Year 4 students, expanding our musical instrument offerings. From now on, students in Years 4 to 6 will have the chance to learn and master either the violin, flute, cello, or alto saxophone.

The concert was a tremendous success, and we are extremely proud of all our prep school students for their dedication and hard work in preparing for this event. A big thank you goes out to the visiting music teachers and all the prep school staff for their support and effort in making this concert a memorable celebration of music and cultural diversity. Congratulations to everyone involved for a job well done!

A Message from our Design and Technology Department

The main focus for Key Stage 4 (Yr10) students this Term has been the continuation of their Major Project worth 50% of the final IGCSE grade. The Major Project requires students to undertake a significant and challenging piece of work taking a unique and bespoke product designed for their client from conception to completion. The following Criterion must be completed in the Project: Criterion 1 (Identification of a need or opportunity with an analysis leading to a design brief), Criterion 2 (Research into the design brief resulting in a specification), Criterion 3 (Generation and exploration of design ideas), Criterion 4 (Development of proposed solution), Criterion 5 (Planning for production), Criterion 6 (Product realisation) and Criterion 7 (Testing and evaluation). Students will complete Criterion 1 - 5 during Year 10 and the remaining Criterion in Term 1 of Year 11. Currently students are working on the completion of Criterion 4. Although the Major Project is graded internally by the teacher the grades awarded go through a moderation process completed by the Cambridge Exam Board thus ensuring the highest standards are maintained.

The main focus for Key Stage 3 students this Term has been their Stationery Organiser and Toy Maze Units being completed simultaneously. The Stationery Organiser requires students to complete 12 x thumbnail designs, 1 x sketch of the chosen design (with a maximum of 5 components), 1 x Shapr3D computer aided design (CAD) and Makercase designs as the complete design process. Then, following on from their Makercase components being laser cut students are required to build their Organiser, paint and then evaluate the full process. The Toy Maze Unit requires each student to once again work through the design and make process with the addition of orthographic drawings included in the process. Orthographic drawings are generated from their Shapr3D CAD drawing.

Throughout all Key Stages students aim to meet the Epsom Learning Characteristics of: Organisation, Curiosity, Attention, Reflectiveness, Collaboration, Thinking, Resilience and Creativity.

The Design Technology Department eagerly awaits delivery of the new 3D Printer and upon its arrival this technology will be integrated into all Key Stages.

Special thanks is sent out to Mr Halmy the Art/DT Technical here at ECiM for his continued efforts to ensure the laser cutter is always working allowing for the cutting out of Stationery Organiser components.

Looking ahead to Term 3 students will complete a How To Do Unit where they will be required to develop an electronic instruction booklet covering the use of Shapr3D to be used as a Beginners Guide to the CAD platform for Year 7 students.

If you have any questions related to Design Technology at Epsom College in Malaysia please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.

Mr Brian Thorburn
Design Technology Teacher

English Department News

Level-up, advance, elevate, flourish, make headway, become better, forge ahead, make leaps and bounds.

These are all synonyms (noun) for the word improve (verb).

This is a message of congratulations! Read on and discover the names of those who have reached a new level in their English skills. Is it you? Is it your friend?

Join me in saying well done to all of these students today who have leveled up their English skills over the last term and have moved up to a higher class set in English.

  • Hanyu
  • Chumeng
  • Ao
  • Yuki
  • Riki
  • Yui
  • Lizi
  • Jason
  • Hal
  • Minami
  • Rei
  • Elizabeth
  • Yua
  • Treasure
  • An
  • Mason
  • Anna
  • Jumpei

To all of you in your quest for English mastery, consider the library a treasure trove of language resources. Dive into books, explore articles, and immerse yourself in language-rich environments. Equally important is maintaining a healthy body and routine, so sleep well by reading a book before bed.

Be brave in speaking English around school; each conversation is a stepping stone to fluency. Engage with your peers, join language clubs, and practice fearlessly. Remember, your efforts today sculpt the confident English speaker you'll become tomorrow.

Best wishes,

Mr Kevin Hill,
Head of Epsom EAL Department

A Prefect Project - Poetry Please!

Last week, the Academic Prefects hosted a week-long poetry exhibition in the Sixth Form Centre and welcomed the work of many aspiring poets in the community (staff and students alike).

We welcomed poems in any language as well as posters and infographics about poetic devices and eras. We were delighted to receive 30+ submissions across the school, making for an invigorating display of poetry on the windows of the Sixth Form Centre. Here are some snapshots:

We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who made a submission, especially Vash and Aishu from the Sixth Form for contributing a substantial number of poems.

You can also expect to see some of these poems displayed as posters around school soon.

It is unfortunately time to say farewell to our Prefect Projects as this is the last event that we will be hosting. Throughout our time as Academic Prefects, we have collectively organised Finance Week/business model competition, KS4 Debate Week, the Epsom Reading Challenge, a personal statement workshop with the Year 12s, and last but not least this poetry exhibition. Although we have had a busy time, we have also learnt much about organisation and leadership working alongside the rest of the Prefects, and are ready to take on future endeavours after passing on the baton to our Academic Prefect sucessors. I would like to end this article with a stanza from one of Aishu’s poems:

“With what was once a blank canvas is now a painting I hold dear,
I call it the painting of my life.
I look at the hues of gold, blue, red, purple and pink,
And the ample space still left on my canvas.
What new colour will I be painting next?
I wonder, I wonder.”
— Colours of Life, Aishwarya Lakshmi.

Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend.

– Ann Yii, Academic Prefect 2023/24

House Debate Competition

Watching and participating in debate competitions is immensely beneficial for students, offering a unique blend of education and entertainment. Observing these debates provides students with the opportunity to witness critical thinking, effective communication, and persuasive argumentation in action. Last week, students had this very opportunity in our Theatre as the House Debate Competition took centre stage. Whilst our debaters’ experience ranged from novice to seasoned, all engaged in impressive intellectual sparring, learning valuable skills that go beyond the confines of the classroom.

Each debater was judged on five criteria, shared with the houses alongside the motions, two weeks prior to the competition: knowledge and understanding of the topic; making arguments well illustrated and supported with examples; presentation, style and clarity of voice; clash with opponent’s arguments; logic and structure. Whilst judged individually, it was a team effort, with all scores being added up to determine the overall winner of each debate.

The Heats

Six fast-paced debates took place last Monday evening, judged by Mrs Prestidge, Ms Macloed and Mr Miller. The motions for each year group were themed: the Junior teams engaged with humanity’s relationship with the environment, debating the benefits of a plant-based diet and whether plastic pollution is the most urgent environmental crisis to tackle; the Inter teams’ debates focused around media consumption, considering whether TikTok is the most problematic social media app and whether the prevalence of crime in television and film is worsening society; finally, the Senior teams considered matters relevant to society, debating whether poverty is the greatest threat to social peace and security and considering whether the arts or the military deserves more funding.

Faced with a packed auditorium, bright lights and microphones, all speakers ably met the challenge of these debate motions and the formality of the situation. Without doubt, participation in debate competitions boosted these students' confidence, public speaking abilities, and teamwork skills. By collaborating, formulating arguments, and responding to challenges, the participating students from across the age ranges enhanced their own capacity for effective communication and collaboration.

The Finals

Just two days later, the winning teams from the Heats returned to the Theatre to compete for debating victory. Again, the venue was packed with supporters, attentively listening to the complex issues debated and marvelling at the impressive display of intellect from all speakers. Both Mrs Prestidge and Ms Macleod remained as judges and were joined by Mr Thompson.

The Junior Final’s was a close-run contest between Crawfurd, who proposed the motion, and Rosebury, who opposed the motion: This house believes that parental support is the most important factor for children’s future success. There were some outstanding individual speakers, with all speakers delivering their points with well-researched examples and showing an excellent understanding of the topic. Among others, the students discussed the extent to which parents cultivate habits in their children and the extent to which success is driven from within. Rosebury’s Vamitra Kathiravan particularly impressed, through making incisive points of information and delivering her own closing speech empathically to the audience. With the rest of her team, Rosebury were (by a fractional margin) named the winners. Nonetheless, all six students rose to the occasion impressively and showed their academic might, which bodes well for future years.

The Inter Final saw Propert, as the proposition, debate with Crawfurd, as the opposition. Their motion was This house believes that countries’ success should be measured through happiness rather than Gross Domestic Product. Tackling such a motion required thorough research and an assured level of understanding. Both teams had clearly undertaken this research and, somewhat interestingly, both used Finland as an example for their own side of the debate. Whilst Propert engaged with utilitarianism to argue that fostering happiness should be a paramount concern of any government, Crawfurd argued that happiness, by its abstract nature, is unquantifiable and therefore convincingly challenging the very premise of the debate. Ultimately, it was another close-run debate, with Crawfurd deemed the winners.

The evening culminated with the Senior Final. Like the Junior Final, this was once again between Rosebury and Crawfurd, however, this time Rosebury proposed and Crawfurd opposed. Their motion was This house believes that art and music produced by artificial intelligence is a genuine threat to real artists. The role of artificial intelligence in all areas of society is a widespread and global area of interest; both teams engaged with the benefits and pitfalls of using it for creative purposes with enthusiasm, showcasing an impressive breadth of knowledge and argumentative style. Crawfurd’s Hayley Woon particularly impressed with her engagement with the opposition. She allowed Rosebury to make multiple points of information and, not once, did these appear to ruffle her as she fluently retorted with astute rebuttals, integrating these into her cogent line of argument. That said, Rosebury were crowned winners. Whilst both teams’ knowledge of the topic and use of examples were comparable, the Rosebury team was more impassioned and emphatic during their time to speak. Ultimately, a debate’s motion is ambiguous and speakers must convince the audience and judges that their position on the motion is more compelling. Rosebery did just that.

Overall, it was a fantastic school event that fostered a culture of intellectual engagement, critical thinking, and respectful discourse. Mrs Prestidge looks forward to building on this momentum, by leading a KS4 and KS5 Debating CCA in Term 3.

Mrs Georgie Prestidge, Head of Epsom English Department.

Humanities Society Hosts the Jeopardy Quiz

Epsom College’s Student Led Humanities Society recently hosted a Jeopardy Quiz social event to have fun with Humanities! As you can see from the pictures, both staff and students participated - we look forward to hosting more events in the future!

Senior Interhouse Volleyball Competition in Pictures

Senior Interhouse Volleyball - Term 2

Junior Interhouse Volleyball-Term 2

Epsom College Open Day in Pictures

Thank you to all those who came to visit our school at the weekend for our Open Day. We hope you enjoyed your time with us.

Special thanks to our Sixth Form without whose support the event would not have been possible!

So, Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend and term break. We look forward to seeing you again in term 3!

Happy Friday from us all at Epsom.


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