English Mandarin
Immersion Programme

Achieve Bilingual Excellence

English and Mandarin are the world’s most widely spoken languages and underpin the Epsom curriculum. In line with the future educational and career-based advantages that come with mastery of both languages, Epsom’s English Mandarin Immersion Programme (“EMIP”) offers instruction and full immersion in these languages. Equal-weighted, 50-50 delivery of the curriculum in both languages will ensure proficiency and fluency. EMIP is taught by bilingual and internationally accredited teaching staff and caters to both Mandarin and non-Mandarin speaking students.

Available for Early Years Foundation Stage 1 to Year 2 Students.
Arrange your FREE EMIP Taster Now!

The EMIP is designed so that all students can successfully master the Mandarin language regardless of whether Mandarin is spoken at home.


Impressive English language progression of our EMIP students within a few months

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