Headmaster's Welcome

Welcome to the weekend and to issue 145 of our Epsom Friday Flyer!

HERE is what has been happening at Epsom this past week. As you can see there has been plenty to do and something for everyone! 

Last week we enjoyed STEM Week

I thoroughly enjoyed my lesson with the Prep School as part of STEM Week where I challenged the students to find a method to measure the speed of sound:

It was great to work with Year 6 among whom there are some talented scientists and impressive mathematicians!

Activities this week have included presentations from the Eco Committee, University Admissions Tutors, Eco Workshops and transition events. We have also enjoyed Sports Week…

This week began with a presentation from Sutri and Thaara who have led a series of activities to spread awareness of environmental issues and what we can do as individuals to combat climate change. 

The Eco Committee is one of our student conceived and led initiatives that not only develop knowledge and understanding beyond the curriculum but also skills and attributes such as effective leadership, how to delegate, negotiate and collaborate to achieve agreed goals. Interpersonal skills such as these cannot be underestimated and form an integral part of the holistic education that we seek to provide.

It was wonderful this week to celebrate Aidan, Year 13 Propert and Head of College’s success – he is now the MALAYSIAN NUMBER 1 Squash Champion for his age group!

We have lots more to look forward to before the end of term…

Wednesday 29 March is the date of our annual musical extravaganza hosted by our talented Music Department: ‘A Night at the Movies’ where we will enjoy music, songs and drama from our favourite films.

On Saturday 1 April is Epsom’s Open Morning – please share with any friends or family who wish to know more about our school – all enquiries to

On Monday 3 April, we will enjoy a Prep School Concert in the theatre.

Wednesday 5 April is the date of our  International Culture Day. This is an opportunity for all to come to school in their best national dress. In the afternoon, after lessons, there will be games and snack stalls (including those from our parent support group the ‘Friends of Epsom’) followed by international singing and dancing performances in the Theatre. The day will end with everyone enjoying an evening meal together with those ‘breaking fast’ during this period of Ramadan. Prayer rooms will also be available.

Term 2 ends at 4.10pm on Thursday 6 April.

Term 3 begins at 8.00am on Tuesday 25 April  and our boarders will return to Epsom from 2pm on 24 April. 

Term 3 is already looking exciting. Please add these dates to your diaries:

On Wednesday 3 May we will enjoy the Epsom Instrumental Music Competition. There will be heats in the afternoon with a Winners Concert in the evening.

On Friday 5 May we will enjoy our Epsom Hari Raya Celebration. Attendees will come in traditional dress, enjoy Malaysian food and a celebration event at 3pm in the Theatre.

IGCSE and A Level examinations will take place from 8 May to 23 June.

In the last week of the academic year we are preparing an extra special range of activities including Epsom Sports Festival on June 26, where team and individual events will see every student competing for their House.

On 27 – 28 June we will have Epsom Arts Festival

On 27 June, we will enjoy Workshops, Art, Dance, Poetry, Comedy, Music, Percussion and Drama. On Wednesday we will enjoy performances: including Aladdin and outdoor concerts (with Food Stalls!)

On Friday 30 June we will host the Epsom Achievement Festival as follows:

Morning: Year 13 Graduation and Speech Day, Theatre

Evening: The Epsom Summer Ball at St Regis Hotel for Year 13 students, alumni and all parents and friends of Epsom from across the school. Our special guest and speaker at both events will be Tan Sri Tony Fernandes. All parents are most welcome to join us at any/all of these events. Indeed, your support makes such a difference to your children and our community.

To close, I wish all students who are preparing for examinations the very best in their studies.I think this quote is a useful maxim: hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work as hard.

Our teachers will be working hard to support all our students in preparation for and throughout their exams period.

I hope you enjoy this latest edition of our Flyer and wish you Happy Reading and a very Happy Friday!

Best wishes,

Mr Matthew Brown,


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A Message From The Leadership Team - Mrs Parker

The Epsom Learning Characteristics: what are they and why are they important?

The Epsom Learning Characteristics: what are they and why are they important?

If you ask a student what they want from school, a typical answer might be ‘I want to do well at school’ or ‘I want to achieve A grades’ or ‘I want to be successful at school’.  However, what students are less confident in is how this is possible.  At best, students will say ‘I need to work hard’, but what does that actually mean?  What should a student work hard at?  Research suggests that students should work hard at having a ‘growth mindset’, but what does that mean?  It would be easy to say that it is the opposite of a ‘closed mindset’, but actually a ‘growth mindset’ is one where a student feels they have the ability and capacity to learn and grow; to become whatever they want or desire; that there are no boundaries to what they can achieve.  There has been a significant amount of research done on what makes a good learner.  I mentioned in another Friday Flyer about the work of Carol Dweck and Guy Claxton who often write or are interviewed about what makes a good learner.  If you are interested in reading about ‘Growth Mindset’, there is a link to some web pages at the bottom of this article.

Throughout this year, I have focused many of my assemblies and certificates on the ‘Growth Mindset’ principles. Moreover, reporting is now beginning to change at Epsom College in Malaysia to reflect how strongly we feel about the importance of these characteristics.  We believe that developing curiosity, resilience and creativity, for instance, are incredibly important to become lifelong learners who are confident that there is nothing that is impossible.  It is also important to be a reflective learner; a learner who can take on board constructive feedback and act on it to improve their knowledge, understanding or skills in any subject.  Furthermore, being organised is also important and we want to encourage this further.   For instance, it is important that students complete prep work when it is set and hand it in on time. We also strive to encourage collaboration and teamwork because this has proven to be an important skill to develop in life to be successful.  

The first set of reports which will comment on Epsom Learning Characteristics (ELC) will be Year 7 this term.  However, ELC will be evident on all reports in the new academic year.  The full set of ELC can be seen below.

CuriosityTo wonder, question, explore, experiment. For example asking questions, completing independent research or trying new methods or techniques.
ResilienceTo be determined, persevering, to be able to recover, to be willing to practise.  For example, trying again when you fail or practising to improve.
CreativityTo be able to connect and visualise.  For example,  showing the ability to transfer skills between topics,  thinking of different ways to solve problems or to consider different approaches to studying or working.
ReflectivenessTo be able to evaluate a situation and self-evaluate.  For example, showing improvement based on feedback that has been given by a teacher or peer or understanding why something has not worked or how it might be done differently next time.
AttentionTo be able to notice, concentrate, contemplate, immerse.  For example, showing listening skills, staying on task in class or getting involved in discussions.
CollaboratingTo be social, accepting, to be able to imitate, empathise and lead.  For example, being able to be a team player, being helpful to others, leading group work.
OrganisationTo be able to plan and be resourceful.  For example,  completing tasks, including homework, on time, finding information independently, finding solutions.
ThinkingTo be able to deduce, analyse, critique, intuit.  For example, understanding reasons, significance and importance or understanding the deeper meaning behind a text or event

A Message From Propert House

It has been a fantastic few weeks in Propert with a large number of events taking place. On the sporting front, the Epsom College under 16 Boys Basketball team had an impressive win over Nexus School last week and Arthur, Aowen and Kevin scored the majority of the team’s points between them. Well done to them and good luck to Propert in the House Basketball event which takes place during the last week of term.

This week is Sports Week at Epsom College. This event has been organised by our students and co-ordinated by Aidan in Year 13, our Head of College. It has been a great success with a large number of Propert boys taking part. Sports have included, Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Netball and Table Tennis. Thank you to all of the students for organising these events, they have been competitive, lots of fun and good to watch. 

Last week also saw the Epsom Senior Boys Football Team take on Charterhouse in a closely fought battle. The game remained scoreless until the dying minutes when Charterhouse managed to snatch the win.


This week also saw the Malaysian Sram, National Junior Squash Championships. The school was represented by Haneesha, Year 10 Crawfurd, who has just moved up an age category to Under 17. She performed fantastically well and finished fourth in Malaysia

Aidan, Year 13 played in the Under 19 Boys section and won all of his matches to reach the final against an opponent named Praviin. Aidan played superbly to take a two set lead but Praviin was able to win the next two games. The final game saw some excellent squash and long rallies. The fact that the final took 47 minutes is testament to a great match with some exceptional Squash. Aidan came out victorious and is now the  Malaysian champion. A fantastic achievement, well done  Aidan – pictured below:

STEM week saw a large number of events taking place which included a Science Kahoots quiz. On the first day a number of teams from all of the Houses took part and the best teams moved forward to the second day final. Congratulations go to our Propert team of Leighton, Nadir and Dadyo who came out victorious in the final. Next week is Maths Week at school with a number of events planned and a large number of Propert Boys participating. We are looking forward to this and to the end of the term! Non Ducor Duco.

Mr Nick Fowler,

Housemaster, Propert House.

Epsom Golf Academy

The ECM Golf Academy, a combination of world-class golf and academics, will be launching this September 2023, at Epsom College in Malaysia.  

We are proud to have Mr Travis Van Dijk, Head Coach and General Manager, to drive this Golf and School programme after spending more than 17 years focused on the instruction and development of elite junior players from South Africa to Malaysia. 

The Epsom Golf  Academy will feature a 5-acre on-site training facility that includes a 30-bay covered driving range, indoor/outdoor teaching studios, synthetic and natural grass-hitting areas, and a wedge target system. 

Visit for more information or registration of interest.


Black Mountain Golf Resort – HuaHin Thailand

A total of 120 players from 18 Schools competed in this year’s competition. Adrianna, Year 8 Rosebery made the trip and represented Epsom College Malaysia (ECM) & the ECM Golf Academy.

Adrianna with her proud dad and coach!

Adrianna showed high level professional composure in her performance at Black Mountain Golf Resort. The course had hosted an Asian Tour Professional tournament the week prior, leaving us with a course in exceptional condition and incredibly fast paced greens. 

With a late tee time on day 1, Adrianna had a solid warm up range session going through her bag in her standard pre-game routine, followed by speed control drills at the practice putting green.  Adrianna played a steady first day leaving herself in 6th position among her age group.

After round one and during our post round review we agreed her approach shot placement into the greens would be her focus during the final round.  Adrianna would use the pin placement sheet to clearly identify the flag’s location on each green and aim her approach shots to safe areas on the green. Adrianna proceeded to execute this game plan perfectly and finished her front 9 holes even Par to the course. This was among some of the lowest 9 hole scores across all girls’ age groups. Adrianna finished 6th in her age group which is a great achievement. Congrats Adrianna!

The event was a great success and concluded with a prize presentation ceremony at the Black Mountain water park.  The Thai players dominated the event and collected most awards.  We look forward to next year’s FOBISIA GOLF. With the new ECM Golf Academy launching this year, I expect us to have a bigger team representing our School and ECM Golf Academy. 

Travis van Dijk 

Head Coach 

ECM Golf Academy 

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Squash Success - The Girls

Warmest congratulations to Haneesha, Year 10 Crawfurd who came 4th in the U17 National Junior Championship 2023. This was the first tournament GU17 of the year and there were 64 girls competing. 

In the match against our national player, Haneesha scored 13-15, 10-12,14-12,4-11. Haneesha is committed to coming back even stronger 

We are all delighted with Haneesha’s result in the FOBISIA  2023 competition in Thailand where she came in 2nd place. 

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Our Trip to AIROD

AIROD – an acronym that stands for Aircraft Inspection, Repair & Overhaul Depot. This week, 25 students had a chance to pay a visit to this amazing facility. We were the very first visitors ever since 1975 (😱). 

When we asked the representatives who welcomed us what Airod was, they told us to think of Airod like a garage, but for airplanes! This area in particular belongs to AirAsia. It works as a place where they store and perform checks on their planes. Aircrafts require regular check-ups (just like humans do!) every six to twelve years to ensure that they are fit to fly and are in the best condition possible to ensure the safety and comfort of their passengers. 

Upon our arrival, (this fact was proven as) we immediately heard banging, engines revving, and saw aircraft taking to the sky. There were fields that stretched out further than our eyes could reach and the skies were never empty. All the people employed there were hard at work, changing the wheels and refilling the oil. While exploring the place, we spotted a quote (that we think) everyone needs to abide by (see the image below)  –

This trip was definitely an amazing learning opportunity as we got to learn so many new things about aircraft! For example, did you know that aircraft contained magnetic fuel? How does magnetic fuel work? We found out that the magnets in the fuel energise the fuel by magnetising the molecules in the fuel so that they flow in an even pattern which leads to better combustion. The magnetic fuel allows the pilots to perform tasks manually in case of a technical breakdown and it works as a backup if any malfunctions were to occur. 

As we continued to tour the place, we stumbled upon this large piece of machinery that definitely caught our eye. Do you know what this is?

Our tour guide explained to us that this huge piece of equipment is known as a landing gear which is a structure that connects the wheel to the body of the plane to help control the craft during landing. Besides its name, the landing gear also assists and supports the aeroplane when it is on the ground and allows the plane to take off smoothly without damage. This piece alone costs up to 8 million USD which is around 35 million Malaysian Ringgit! Can you imagine that?!

The whole trip was great but I’ve got to say my favourite part was visiting the operation room and learning more about how aircraft operate. I’m sure I never would have been able to explore an operation room if not for this opportunity. 

Here’s another quick question to test your general knowledge! Do you know how much fuel is used for just one flight?

The answer is that an aircraft needs around 18 tonnes for just one flight! (6 tonnes for each side and middle). They need a huge amount of fuel to maintain the energy required for flight, and also utilities such as the cargo, toilet and kitchen. Just imagine that you are an aeroplane carrying a 6 tonne dumbbell in each of your two arms!!!!

Someone once told me that it is best to keep things “plane” and simple. So here’s where we are ending our article today! We hope you managed to learn something new while feeling as if you were on the trip with us. We hope that more trips like this will be organised in the near future! 

Thanks to Mr Bevan for organising this! 

Happy Friday!

Yi Ro, Year 9 Crawfurd

Epsom STEM Week in Pictures

Epsom College recently hosted a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Week, with a focus on space. The week was packed with activities, competitions, and visits aimed at inspiring and engaging students with STEM related subjects.

One of the highlights of the week was the House Kahoot competition. Students from different Houses competed against each other in a variety of STEM challenges. The competition culminated in a closely contested final in our College Theatre.

In addition to the House Kahoot competition, students were also taken on a visit to AIROD (Aerospace Industry Regional Outreach Department) to see the exciting careers that STEM subjects can lead to. The visit was an eye-opener for many students who had previously not considered the possibilities of a career in the aerospace industry. They got to see cutting-edge technology in action and hear from industry experts about the skills and qualifications needed for a career in the field.

Every day at lunchtime, the Science department put on exciting experiments for the students. These hands-on activities allowed students to experience the wonders of STEM subjects first hand. They learned about DNA through sweets, wrote with fire, made exploding bottle rockets, watched screaming jelly babies and experienced burning bubbles igniting in their teachers’ and their own hands and more.

The Science department’s lunchtime experiments were a huge hit with students, with many excitedly discussing their favourite experiments at meal times. These activities showed students that STEM subjects are not just theoretical concepts to be learned about in textbooks but that have practical applications in our everyday lives.

Overall, STEM Week at Epsom College was a resounding success. It engaged students with STEM subjects and showed them the exciting opportunities that lie ahead in these fields. The week was a testament to the school’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for the future. With the success of this year’s event, we can look forward to even more exciting and inspiring STEM weeks in the future.

It is essential to continue to promote STEM subjects and encourage more young people to pursue careers in these areas. STEM subjects are vital in shaping our future and solving some of the world’s most significant challenges, and events like STEM Week at Epsom College play a crucial role in inspiring and encouraging the next generation of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.

Ms Louise Madeley,

Head of Science


Youth STEM Cup 2023 Finals

Congratulations to Marc, Ammar, Jing Ren and Zhi Yu (all  Year 13 Granville) who have made it to the final for the Youth STEM Cup. Over 300 teams competed and 16 have been selected for the final round which is to be held at Herriot Watt University on the 2nd of April from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

We wish the boys all the very best!!


Epsom College Science Award (ECSA)

Some of you may recall reading about our student conceived and led Science Competition namely the ECSA – Epsom College Science Award.

Our Academic Prefects organised this award which represents an international research-based competition to cultivate students’ passion for Science, Innovation and Technology. 

This year, to celebrate the winning entries: 

We have made a wall display to showcase the excellent research projects submitted by Jing Yan (Year 12 Rosebery), Elliot, (Year 12 Propert), Hong Ming (Year 10 Granville) and Thaara and Jing Xean (Year 13 Rosebery).

Look out for the display outside the Physics Department next time you come to visit!

A Message From Epsom English Department

Often students feel a bit anxious when told they will be studying works by William Shakespeare.  They automatically assume the language and content will be too challenging.  However, once they dive into a poem or play, they find: 

  • Shakespeare’s works are good for enrichment of the English language.
  • The themes are timeless and often deal with ethical and moral issues, thus promoting good class discussions or debates.
  • The characters are relatable. 

Students in English classes are taking on Shakespeare with amazing resilience! The plays of focus are:  ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ (Year 7), ‘Macbeth’ (Years 9, 10, 11 and 13), ‘King Lear’ (Year 12) and ‘Othello’(Year 13).  Epsom students have been eager to demonstrate their understanding of Shakespearean language and content through artistic projects, class debates, character analysis and discussion of themes such as love, ambition, corruption and jealousy just to name a few. 

Here is what some English students have to say about studying Shakespeare:

Nik Rania, Year 9 Rosebery: I am enjoying Shakespeare so far because Lady Macbeth is very unconventional compared to our preconceived idea of women in that era. It is very interesting to see that not all women were how they were expected to be and that they had minds of their own.

Justina, Year 9 Rosebery : Learning about Shakespeare encourages me to explore the language style during Jacobean times. It has also made me realise that entertainment now and then are similar in terms of genres like revenge, romance, comedy and tragedy.

Nathaniel, Year 9 Holman: In class we are learning about Shakespeare’s Tragedy, ‘Macbeth’. The language is different from the English that we speak now which can be difficult. The supernatural elements have been interesting. I especially have enjoyed learning about the witches. I feel they add an element that is very distant from reality. I found it surprising how someone in that era could so easily be accused of witchcraft, often the accused were vulnerable people. 

Rachel, Year 9 Crawfurd: I am currently really enjoying learning about Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’. It is interesting learning about the Shakespearian style of writing. The language can sometimes be difficult but I feel like I’m starting to understand it. It is interesting learning about how the dynamics in that era worked especially with women. We are currently on the topic of Lady Macbeth, it’s interesting learning how she was considered very transgressive for the Jacobean era. I found it interesting how Shakespeare explored the different sides to a person’s personality and what motivates people. 

Eunice, Year 7 Crawfurd: I am currently studying Shakespeare’s Comedy, ‘Much Ado about Nothing’. We are looking at the tensions between two characters: Beatrice and Bendick. In class, we have been writing a love letter for the two characters. 

Teja, Year 12 Rosebery: We’ve completed Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’ as a class, and it was a very profound experience, way different to something like Romeo and Juliet. I think it really reveals the unspoken thing about English Literature: it is not as simple as it looks, and it’s meant to challenge your thoughts. I personally enjoyed that Lear as a play was so multifaceted, and it had me sympathising with characters I would usually avoid even reading about. 

Studying Shakespeare is fantastic but attending a Shakespearean play at the Globe Theatre is even more exciting! Next month one of the many exciting activities students will experience while visiting England will be watching a performance of ‘The Tempest’ at the Globe Theatre! Crawfurd Year 7 student, Hannon, was excited to pull out her diagram of the Globe Theatre and show her teacher exactly where the students will be positioned to watch the play- in the pit! 

We look forward to our scholars here at Epsom studying much more Shakespeare in years to come but hope their enthusiasm for Shakespeare will continue well beyond their time at Epsom!

Ms Yolanda McCord,

Head of English and EAL

A Night At The Movies!

Here is your ticket to our end of term concert showcase – A Night at the Movies on Wednesday 29th March at 7pm in the Theatre.

The concert will feature individual and group performances from films such as Jurassic Park, A Star is Born, The Lion King, Skyfall and many more.

Enjoy the music and drama whilst watching scenes from the films on the big screen.

Dress for a Hollywood movie premiere and have your photo taken outside the event. Enjoy popcorn and other snacks in the interval.

FIVERA Comes to Epsom!

Thank you for the music…

As you know FIVERA came to Epsom recently and we thought that those of you who were unable to attend might like to see some pictures. 

To those of you who were in attendance, didn’t we have the BEST night?! Enjoy happy memories and reminisce…

Thank you to Mimi and her fantastic catering team for the beautiful canapes!

Our Senior String Ensemble…

Anna, Year 12 Rosebery, an aspiring Opera singer gets the chance to perform with professionals:

The audience LOVED it!!

Shout out to Mr Crann, Mrs Calder and of course Shiloh, Year 11 Crawfurd for their support:)


Marvelous Music

At The Chow Kit Hotel, KL

After a wonderful evening at Epsom, FIVERA and our talented musicians went on to perform 2 nights at The Chow Kit Hotel in KL.

The hotel is well worth a visit. It is a stylish boutique hotel with a delicious menu and great ambiance…

Here is the hotel ready to welcome the guests:

There were some familiar faces at the event such as Datu Aru Suppia who came recently to present to our students at Epsom as part of our Epsom Live Talks Series:


And of course lovely Mimi, who leads our FnB team and School Shop:

Memories were made and the concerts were, as intended, a celebration of life!

Thank you to our Governors for their support as well as the Ormond Group for giving our students this opportunity.

Epsom Eco Week

To kick off this week, the Interact Club sold reusable straws, bamboo toothbrushes, and tote bags outside the dining hall during lunchtimes and all funds raised went to support the work of Mercy Malaysia.

Aside from the selling event, we hosted many exciting activities. These included:


  • Lunchtime GC Presentation: “Sinking Cities” – The Eco Committee, Diana


  • The eco Kahoot quiz during PSHE! Students competed with other tutor groups and tested their eco knowledge.


  • KS3 Assembly: “The Impact of Climate Change” by Alis and Adriana along with “The Impacts of Fast Fashion” by Layla and Ke Ee
  • The Eco Committee also held a paper recycling workshop with the prep school!


  • KS5 Assembly: “Explaining Green terms” by Pei Wen and “The Impact of Climate Change” by Lana
  • Lunchtime GC Presentation: “The Forbidden Super Plant” – The Humanities Society, Alicia


  • Lunchtime GC Presentation: “Green Spaces and Mental Health” – The Comfort Society, Nadirah and Elie

Wednesday’s assembly was most thought provoking and informative. Adrianna and Alis opened by discussing the impact of Climate Change and challenged us to play our part in combating it. The girls made a valid point that we can all play our part – by reducing our carbon footprint and through technological advancements as well as through music and art. Music and art are powerful tools to communicate messages to a wider audience without the need for words…

Layla and Rachel then presented on Fast Fashion and how we can make better choices with regards to the clothes we buy. They introduced the concept of Fast Fashion and reminded us to buy ethically sourced products and the power of thrift shops and upcycling!

We hope that you all enjoyed our Eco Week as much as we enjoyed hosting you!

Warm regards,

Epsom Eco Committee

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BSE Fundraiser

As a result of the Syria-Turkey Earthquake, 50,000 people have died, that’s about 100x the population of Epsom.

We, the BSE Society, have been fundraising for the Turkey Earthquake Relief Effort and a few of our board members represented the school this week and met with the Ambassador of Turkey to Malaysia, H.E Emir Salim YÜKSEL, to handover a significant donation directly to the cause. 

A father holding the hand of his deceased 15 year old daughter, trapped under the rubble of their former home.

By purchasing our products, Epsom students have raised significant funds. 50% of our profit has always been dedicated to external charities, in line with our objective of becoming social entrepreneurs

In previous years, we have donated funds to the Malaysian Social Entrepreneur Foundation (MSEF), and BSE Society members were delighted to attend their appreciation dinner representing Epsom where we received multiple appreciation souvenirs.

We hope to leverage the connections of the BSE Society members to encourage more donations from students/teachers, family members and all boarding houses to fundraise more to support worthy causes.

Kind regards,

BSE Society Team

PS: Follow our Instagram (@epsom_bse_society) to be updated on our latest events, Check out our Official Website for more insights, and Apply to join us as members!

Showing Care for Others Less Fortunate

One Heart Foundation:

On the 13th of March, the One Heart Foundation generously visited Epsom College after we reached out to them following the events of Valentines day. Crawfurd raised an approximate amount of RM2600 which went directly to the One Heart Foundation, allocated according to their needs. 

This was an outstanding opportunity for a group of us from Crawfurd to show the One Heart Foundation Team around the campus, elaborate on our intentions for this project as well as to learn more about their foundation and the way they coordinate on a daily basis. 

Moreover, the One Heart Foundation is established and run by a group of 10 ladies who diligently work together to constantly make sure the intentions of the foundations are righteous and are in the interest of the beneficiaries. For the last few years without fail, they have been funding breakfast for a local Tamil school, showing incredible consistency towards their cause and compassion towards the children. 

Additionally, the One Heart Foundation uses their funds to support several different sectors including homelessness, education, medical aid and more. Therefore, Crawfurd as a House, were delighted to donate all our profit earned from the sales during our Valentines Day initiative.

Lastly, we are grateful that we are able to play our part in society to help out the One Heart Foundation and certainly look forward to working with them via future charitable events.

-Laekeisya, Year 12 Crawfurd House

Planning For the Future - Epsom University Fair

Step Into Your Future: Our Comprehensive University Support Programme

Epsom College’s Sixth Form is dedicated to providing the best guidance and support to students as they prepare to embark on their academic journeys. In an effort to help students make well-informed decisions about their future studies, the Sixth Form has recently organised a series of university events that are both engaging and informative, offering a wide range of resources and opportunities for exploration.


An Array of International University Fairs

Last week, Epsom College proudly welcomed representatives from over 50 universities from the UK, USA, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, and more. The university fairs, held over several days, were specifically designed to provide students with a wealth of information about admission tests, requirements, scholarships, and various study options. This allowed our students to engage in meaningful conversations with university representatives and ask questions about their potential academic paths, campus life, and even extracurricular opportunities.

Enlightening Lectures from Renowned Professors

This week, the Sixth Form is hosting a series of mini-lectures delivered by renowned professors from top universities around the globe, covering a wide range of subjects, from humanities to sciences. These lectures offer students an immersive experience of university-style teaching, allowing them to understand what to expect from their future academic pursuits. By attending these sessions, our students gain valuable insights into different courses, research opportunities, and potential career paths, equipping them to make better-informed decisions about their academic journey.

This month, the programme featured lectures from Dr Konstantinos Kalliris (School of Law, University of Essex) on “International Human Rights Law” and Prof. Javier Garcia Oliva (Law, University of Manchester) discussing “The Future of European Union Law.” Additionally, taster lectures were provided by Dr Owain Williams on “Climate Change and Policy” and Dr Phil Murphy on “Artificial Intelligence and Ethics” from the University of Leeds.

Students also enjoyed a captivating lecture on “The Psychology of Language and Communication” by Prof. Rosemary Varley from the Faculty of Brain Sciences of UCL, as well as interactive sessions on “Architecture and Sustainable Design” by Prof. Lynette Cheah and “Engineering Product Development” by Prof. Pey Kin Leong from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). The programme concluded with an insightful Epsom Live Talk on “The Future of Finance and Technology” by Joseph Cherian, a Professor of Finance at the Asia School of Business and the prestigious Cornell University in the USA.

Shaping Bright Futures

It’s always inspiring to see the enthusiasm of our students as they interact with university representatives, attend these informative events, and envision their future academic and professional paths. Our Sixth Form remains committed to providing the best guidance and support as our students navigate the vast array of academic options available to them. With events such as university fairs and lectures, students can be confident that they have all the information and resources they need to make well-informed decisions about their future studies, setting them on a path towards success.

Phil Pedro

Assistant Headteacher, Sixth Form

Year 11 Social Event

Making Precious Memories…

As the exam season draws ever closer, our Year 12 students organised a social evening for Year 11 students who are about to sit for their IGCSEs. Year 12 organised lots of fun activities including ball games, Twister, Frisbee, Tug – O – War and a Kahoot Quiz. As you will see from the pictures, it was to be able to have fun and memories were made!

Jayden, Year 11 writes…

As we approach the end of our Key Stage 4 education, there is only one thing on our minds: exams.

The Year 11 social, held last Thursday evening in the Pavilion, was an opportunity for Year 11 students to have one last social event together before the dreaded exam season begins. 

It was a chance for us to relax, unwind, and forget about all our exam worries.

Upon arriving at the Pavilion, the Prefect Team had already set up decorations including balloons, snacks, and even a few TVs displaying some pictures of old memories shared by Year 11 students beforehand. They also provided frisbee discs, footballs, and volleyballs for us to play and socialise with. We even had PLT activities such as the human knot, where Houses had to hold each other’s hands in a way where they would need to untangle themselves – which Rosebery proudly won. 

Afterwards, we played Tug of War. Teams were organised corresponding to Houses. Like the Epsomians we are, all of us were vying to win. Although Propert and Rosebery put up a good fight, Granville and Crawfurd (unfortunately) came out on top. Here are some comments about the Tug of War:

  • “Propert should have won Tug of War” -Eugene (Granville)
  • “Tug of war was rigged” – Woorin
  • “Crawfurd was about to win Propert” -Viviana

For dinner, we enjoyed what was probably the best meal we’ve ever had, provided by the school’s catering team. 

We had a huge variety of food, ranging from chicken satay, gyoza (Japanese dumplings), Korean fried chicken, and California sushi rolls, which were a fan favourite as they were finished almost instantly. We were also served non-alcoholic mojitos: “I liked the mojitos” -Yi Lai

After dinner, we played a Kahoot quiz which was the main staple of the night. 

The Kahoot was hilarious yet nostalgic as we were reminded of our old memories. It included questions like ‘Who’s most likely to…’, and ‘Guess who’s that…'(with a zoomed-in picture of someone).  It was hilarious – a night to remember forever:)

Happy Friday All!

From Year 11 🙂

Epsom Art and Design Technology

Creative brain at work in the Art, Design & Technology lessons. We have been busy upskilling ourselves with various tools, equipment and mediums.

First up is all about our exam candidates!

A-Level Art & Design Coursework Preparation by Y13 student. 

Work of Sutri Ng – Year13

Followed by DT IGCSE candidates working on their individual product manufacturing process.

Finished final product (desk tidy) by Y10 DT students (Wei Yinuo, Harriet Jiang, Arthur Li, Yunju Kim, Lina Ko , Jason Zhang)

Chen He – Y11_Using router table to trim his parts of table lamp for IGCSE DT Coursework

Jason Zhang 0Y10_Using the pillar drill to assembly dowel joined for his class project (desk tidy)

Apart from KS4 & 5 work, KS3 has been developing various making skills in the classroom.

Year 7 Art & Design _ Paper Collage Artwork by Adam Lee, Adam Calder, Sora Konako

Year 7  Art & Design_ Colour Value and Gradient Artwork by Cedric Lau & Yuzuki Kita 

Year 7 Art & Design_ Paper Sculpture work by Anna Ruth Oh

Finished final product by Y8 student. The research, designed and manufactured their festival or themed mood light.

Year 8 & 9 Paper Sculpture made during Art lesson

Thank you for spending the time to read our Epsom Friday Flyer.

Have a wonderful weekend, rest well and see you next week.

Happy Friday from us all at Epsom College in Malaysia

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