Headmaster's Welcome

We hope that you have enjoyed a productive week, and thank you for taking the time to read this edition of our newsletter, which marks the end of week 2 of the new academic year.

At Epsom, we seek to foster a supportive and collaborative learning community in which our students can thrive both academically and personally. We take a holistic approach, and believe that positive relationships are vital for the development of self-esteem, self-confidence, and the personal success of our students.

We celebrate each other's successes and view mistakes as opportunities to improve. This week in assembly, we looked at the use of mobile devices and considered the detrimental impact that they can have on learning and social development.

We aspire for all of our students to graduate from Epsom as well-rounded, confident young citizens with excellent interpersonal skills, ready to be a change for good in society. We went over our rules on mobile devices so that everyone is clear on the reasons why we should not be on our phones during lessons, in the corridors, or in the dining hall, and why it is so important to embrace every opportunity to engage in social interaction.

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We also reflected on the importance of good manners and kindness in any community and finally we reflected on how best to approach the academic year to come - namely by maintaining a resilient, proactive and ‘can do’ approach.

This year grade boundaries at IGCSE and A-level were recalibrated .

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It was acknowledged that these grade boundary adjustments, aimed at restoring pre-COVID levels, could potentially evoke mixed emotions. However, in our assembly, we encouraged each other to view this change as an opportunity for growth, reminding each other that every individual's educational journey is unique. We focused on embracing improvement and learning from setbacks, echoing the sentiment that hard work beats talent. Students should not be worried about this recalibration, but rather should step up with determination and commitment to the challenge ahead.

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A highlight of the assembly was the celebration of two remarkable students, Zhi Yu and Aisha.

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Their exceptional performance in both IGCSE and A-levels has earned them well-deserved recognition. Interestingly, their success was not only a testament to their academic prowess, but also a reflection of their balanced approach to technology use. Neither student was ever seen using their mobile phone around school. Indeed, Aisha is most often seen carrying a book! These students exemplify how nurturing interpersonal relationships and prioritizing reading can contribute to holistic achievement.

Drawing inspiration from the much-loved "Private Peaceful," a novel that many of our Key Stage 3 students have studied as part of their English curriculum, we encouraged our students to support each other throughout the upcoming year. The poignant quote, "I live in his glow," encapsulates the spirit of unity we seek to foster. As parents, you play a crucial role in reinforcing this philosophy, guiding our students to be supportive of others, to overcome challenges, celebrate achievements, and collectively thrive in a nurturing environment.

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I hope that you enjoy the articles and pictures to come and wish you all the very best for your weekend. Happy Reading and Happy Friday.

Best wishes,

Mr Matthew Brown,
Follow us on Instagram

A Message from our Leadership Team - Mr Richard Lord

The GCSE and A-level examinations, which represent the culmination of a student's studies in school, can be daunting prospects for many students starting Year 11 and 13. Sometimes, the "end goal" can cast a shadow over what should be an enjoyable, albeit challenging, part of a young person's life. At this point in the new academic year, students should focus on taking that first, all-important step, and not think too hard about what may or may not happen during their examinations at the end of the year. Taking the first step when facing any challenge is the biggest and most important step. This was the case for Joe Simpson, who, along with his climbing partner Simon Yates, decided to be the first people in history to scale the west face of the Siula Grande mountain.

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Siula Grande is in the Huayhuash mountain range in the Peruvian Andes. It's 6,433 metres high and almost impossible to climb. No one had ever ascended the west face of it, until Joe Simpson and Simon Yates decided that they were going to be the first pair to accomplish this challenge in 1985. After four gruelling days of climbing, they completed their ascent and celebrated on top of the mountain, as they had achieved what no one had ever achieved before.

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However, opting to descend the mountain on the North ridge, disaster struck as Joe fell down and broke his leg in two parts. Simon tried to lower Joe off the mountain using a rope but unfortunately he lowered him off a cliff face. Simon was left with a difficult decision. Did he wait there on the side of a mountain for his friend to try and climb back up or did he save himself and cut the rope that was holding Joe (which would mean almost certain death for his friend). After 12 long hours of decision making, Simon cut the rope.

Despite the fall, Joe did not die but was stuck at the bottom of a crevasse. He was trapped on a ledge and could not climb the walls, so he made a decision to lower himself deeper into the crevasse. Once at the bottom, he looked around and saw light peeking through a hole. He crawled 50 feet across a cracking surface, climbed a slope and found himself out in the sunlight, where he lay in the snow. He crawled, slid, hobbled and fell for miles and miles, across glacier and rock bed to get back to the basecamp. He did this all with no water, no food, frostbitten fingers, and a leg that was completely shattered. How did he do this?

Joe set small, doable goals to get his life back. He clung to these little tasks and had total commitment to their completion. He got his life back 20 minutes at a time. Joe said: “I started to look at things and think, “If I can get to that crevasse over there in 20 minutes, that’s what I’m going to do… and it became obsessive. I don’t know why I did it. I think I knew the big picture of what was happening to me, and what I had to do was so big, I couldn’t deal with it. I’d look at a rock and go, ‘Right, I’ll get there in 20 minutes.’ Once I’d decided I was going to get that distance in 20 minutes, I was gonna do it. And it would help me because I’d get halfway through the distance and I would be in such pain, I just couldn’t bear the thought of getting up and falling again. But I’d look at the time and think, ‘I’ve got to get there.’ ”

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Joe finally returned to camp and is alive today. And therein lies the key to starting a bright new academic year; taking the first big step. The first step leads to another, and another and another until you reach your goal; small achievable goals met over the long term. So to all students facing a fresh new academic year; those in Year 11 and 13; those moving from Year 6 to 7 and those students completely new to the school; be brave and take that first step. Set yourself small, ‘doable’ goals, and no doubt you will succeed!

Mr Richard Lord,

Head of Computer Science & DT, Head of Professional Development

A Message from Propert House

After the first week back at school, we are settling into our new routines and our Propert boys are back in business! The air in the House is buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm and we are ready to take on the year ahead whether it be through sports, arts, music, drama as well as academics. When our boys returned to their Epsom home - Propert - they were welcomed with a Pizza and Biryani party and the energy was rapturous.

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The boys had earned this special treat following an amazing first week back at school. Everyone is happy to be back home, reunited  with their second families once again. They spent the evening bonding with each other; talking about the summer, their new classes, new teachers and House staff.

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Our Matrons had the opportunity to bond with the students as well, getting to know (and remember) new faces and names.

We have a fantastic year to come as Propertians. Our bonds are stronger than ever, and we are all ready to face new challenges, never alone, but always, as a family, united as one.

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Best wishes for the weekend from,

Mr Richardson and the Propert Boys.

Prep School Updates

In the Prep School we decided that we wanted our own special academic and competition houses.  The main reason for this was so that boys and girls could compete together in the same house.

Last year’s student leaders came up with the idea of having Malaysian animals as the names and logos and they also felt strongly that they wanted the houses to have Malaysian names.

We then asked the whole Prep School to enter a design competition for which Malaysian animals would be chosen.  As part of the competition, the children drew logos and composed slogans.

For the final part of the creation of the houses, all the Prep students, staff and SLT voted for their favourite animals.

And the new houses were born:

Beruang Madu - The Sun Bears

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Buaya - The Crocodiles

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Burung Enggang - The Hornbills

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Harimau - The Tigers

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We launched our new houses on Friday 1st September when the children came to school in their wonderful new House shirts for the first time.

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Look out in the coming weeks for photos of all the House Competitions happening this term!

Best wishes for the weekend,

Mrs Jane Rouson,

Head of Prep.

A Message From Epsom BSE Soc

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Dear everyone,

I hope this email finds you well! As the outgoing President of the BSE Society, I am thrilled to announce the newly selected Board of Directors. These talented and passionate individuals have been carefully chosen through a rigorous selection process towards the end of the previous academic year including a written application, an interview and working closely with the previous Board of Directors to organise and coordinate fundraising events in the last academic year.

We are confident that this new board will continue to uphold the society's values and further its mission of providing a platform to foster professional growth, promote networking opportunities and give back to the community. It is my honour to introduce the following individuals who will be serving as the Board of Directors for this academic year:

  1. Board Chair / President: Aisha, Yr 12 Rosebery
  2. Vice Chair / Vice President: Woorin, Yr 12 Rosebery
  3. Public Relations (PR) Chair: Everest, Yr 12 Propert
  4. Membership Chair: Kizuna, Yr 12 Rosebery
  5. Selling Team Leaders: Viviana & Yi Lai, Yr 12 Crawfurd
  6. Marketing Team Leader: Yi En, Yr 12 Rosebery

On behalf of the previous Board of Directors, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the incoming one. We have faith in their abilities and creativity to create a positive impact on our members and the community at large, and are excited about the future they will shape for our society. Personally, leading the BSE Society over the past three years has developed my character and soft skills significantly and I hope the new Board of Directors and members are also able to take away something valuable by being part of the BSE Society.

In closing, I'd like to leave you with a quote from Sherry Anderson that encapsulates the spirit of volunteerism from our members: "Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless."

Best regards,
Jing Yan, Yr 13 Rosebery
Past President (2021-2023)
Business and Economics Society

Celebrating Merdeka Day at Epsom

Both staff and students enjoyed celebrating Merdeka Day both in and outside class!

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Epsom Golf Academy Updates

ECM Golf Academy launched its golf programmes this past week and we are pleased to introduce the group of founding students (pictured below).

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ECM Golf Academy offers students a 1 day, 3-day or 5-day golf training programme with each day consisting of 3 hours of training after school.

While we await the completion of our world-class golf facility set to open towards the end of this year, students will utilise the facilities at Kota Seriemas Golf Club. Travelling by school van at 4.30pm and returning back to school by 7.30pm. The programme covers the 4 main key areas of performance namely; Technical, Mental, Physical & Strategy.

The programme is led by our head coach Travis van Dijk and is soon to be joined by two more carefully selected PGA Coaching Professionals.

For more information or to sign up please contact our Head Coach, Mr Travis van Dijk on

Mouratoglou Tennis Programme (MTP) at Epsom

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Dear Epsom Community Members,

The Mouratoglou Coaching Team would like to welcome our new student athletes to the Epsom family, and, to those who have been with us on our journey so far, welcome back - we’re delighted to have you with us here again!

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The academic year of 2023/2024, sees the launch of a new set of attractive programmes for our community members as well as for people who have a passion for the sport of tennis around the globe.

The new set of programmes that the Mouratoglou Tennis Programme at Epsom Malaysia has introduced are: Flagship+ and Junior Pro, alongside our existing programmes - Fundamental and Flagship.

These newly introduced programmes give student athletes a taste of the sport and opportunities to enhance their game by taking it to the next level regardless of their capabilities and backgrounds.

To find out more about all our tennis programmes, click on the link to our website:

Over the summer break, our Mouratoglou Coaching Team have been in communication with Epsom’s CCA and PE Departments to be able to offer tennis to our Epsom students so that they can gain insight into our training programme. We (The Mouratoglou Coaching Team) are delighted with this move to build more connections and relationships within our community and further enrich the experience of our Epsom students who are not enrolled in the MTP.

For more information about the tennis CCA programmes do reach out to us at

To conclude, we are utterly committed and extremely passionate about our sport and look forward to sharing our enthusiasm with as many students as possible. We are excited to share with you our Mouratoglou Coaching Methodology.

Stay tuned in for future events and to share in our journey.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
The Mouratoglou Coaching Team
Mouratolgou - Follow us on Instagram

Epsom PE Department Updates

Inter House Cross Country

Epsom students and staff hit the start of term running with an Inter House Cross Country event. This offered a great opportunity to build House spirit and to blow out some summer holiday cobwebs on the first day of term. Last year, this was an event that was sadly hampered by thunderstorms but with almost perfect conditions, over 300 competitors took on the multi terrain 2km course.

Mr Hill and the team of hares deserve a special mention for running the course ahead of students to ensure that everyone knew where to go.

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A big thank you to the Tutor Team, Staff and Prefects who took charge of marshalling the route and ensuring that placings were accurately recorded.

It was fantastic to see so many students (and staff!) take part and the PE department are looking forward to more House competitions for the year ahead.

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Inter House Football

To continue with the sporting theme of week 1 Inter House Football is traditionally played at the start of Term 1 at Epsom College in Malaysia. Houses took time on Tuesday afternoon to train together with a blend of student lead practices and tutor supported drills. New and existing students had the chance to show their skills and plan tactics for Wednesday’s competition.

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With games taking place on all of the sports fields, including Granville Green and the Hockey pitch, I have never seen so much football take place all at once on campus and the site was buzzing on Wednesday with players and supporters alike enjoying the competition. There was a wonderful atmosphere on display as House rivalries were played out with enthusiasm and respect.

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Thank you to HMM’s, tutors and the PE team for sharing your passion for Football and ensuring that training and matches ran to time.

Thanks also to the BSE Society who, entrepreneurial as ever, were on hand to sell refreshments!

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Congratulations to the winners:

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Guthrie Miller
Director of Sport

Epsom Modern Foreign Languages Department Updates

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We have spent the initial weeks of term welcoming students into their Basaha Malay, French, Mandarin and Spanish classrooms, and supporting them in deciding which language(s) to pursue this academic year. With those choices finalised, we look forward to helping our students become confident, competent communicators in their selected foreign languages.

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Outside of the classroom, we have a number of exciting events already lined up for the upcoming school year. As a truly international school, we celebrate the diverse nature of our student body while remaining proud of our Malaysian context. First up is our whole-school assembly on Monday 11 September, celebrating Malaysia Day and Independence Day. We look forward to hearing from both junior and senior Bahasa Malay students as they explain the historical significance of these dates, and perform the poem Sumpah Anak Merdeka: Sebuah Puisi (The Oath of A Free Child: A Poem).

After that, we will be running the first Subject Week of the year. We look forward to a multi-lingual open mic night, international snacks, linguistic logic challenges and other activities throughout the week of 25 -  29 September. Look out for updates on these events on Epsom’s social media!

Best wishes,
Ms Anna Macleod,
Head of Modern Languages and EPQ.

Marvelous Music

Dear Reader,

I'm excited to share with you the upcoming SSYO concert on Sunday 3 December at The British International School of Kuala Lumpur. This is a first-ever home-grown production featuring one of the best-loved ballets - Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake 🦢🎼. I am looking forward to performing again with the 60-piece full orchestra of the Selangor Symphony Youth Orchestra, along with a few professional players of the Selangor Symphony Orchestra, with live dancers from KL Dance Works Ballet Academy 😍

Please come along to enjoy the production. A beautiful fairytale concert not to be missed :-)😊

For more details and info:

Facebook | Instagram

Anna Ruth,
Year 8 Crawfurd

More Marvelous Music

Our first big musical event of the new academic year is House Music which is due to take place during the evening of October 12th.

This week, the event was launched to the Houses with revised rules and new categories. Within two days of the announcements, two houses have already submitted their full song choices and rehearsals have already begun. Whilst visiting Propert House this evening, I witnessed an early run through of their Part Song performance and then listened as they came to the Music Department to start work on their instrumental piece. Last year’s champions are clearly keen to defend their title and are getting an early start.

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The main change this year is the introduction of Junior and Senior competitions. Carr put in an outstanding performance last year, but up against the musicianship and experience of much older students in the other houses, they faced an uphill battle in winning the overall prize. This year, with Holman House returning to the competition and the larger number of junior girls in Crawfurd and Rosebery, it is time to split the competition.

Both competitions will run at the same event, and the winner of each of the three categories; Instrumental, Part Song and Unison, will be chosen from all of the performances on the night. The points will then be added up and a trophy will be awarded to the best Junior House and the best Senior House. As combined Junior and Senior Houses, Rosebery and Crawfurd will enter a team into both competitions.

As the biggest Musical event of the year, parents are warmly invited to attend. Day students are a big part of the competition and are asked to stay and participate in the event with their houses. Dinner will be provided for all students, and the senior buses will run once the prizes have been awarded at around 9.45pm.

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Last Saturday, three of our students performed in a Candlelit Flute Concert at the Rumah Tangsi in central KL. The concert was put together by our flute teacher, Ms Yong Ching Ting and featured students from a number of KL schools as well as the professional Flute ensemble Flutescents. The historical Rumah Tangsi is just steps away from Merdeka Square in central KL and made a fitting setting for the candlelit concert as the sun set.

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Representing Epsom were Yusi and Evan from Year 9 and Kohaku from Year 11. All three students were first taught the Flute by Miss Ching Ting as part of our highly successful Prep School Instrumental Programme and have developed into accomplished flautists. The students performed a variety of solos, small ensembles and finally joined together in a performance of For the Beauty of the Earth by John Rutter featuring nearly 20 flutes.

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The flute has become one of our most successful instruments at Epsom since Miss Ching Ting joined the Instrumental Programme at its inception. Miss Ching Ting is a member of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and a very popular teacher, both within Epsom and with her growing number of private students in her studio.

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Over the last two years we have invested in more flutes at Epsom to be able to introduce more students to the instrument and our most popular teacher, Miss Ching Ting. We have plans to purchase more flutes this year. At the last Prep School concert, Miss Ching Ting unveiled our Prep School Flute choir featuring students from Year 4 to Year 6.

Judging by the performance of Yusi, Evan and Kohaku on Saturday evening and their progress over the last few years, we are likely to see many more up and coming flute players in the years to come.

Thank you to Yusi, Evan, Kohaku and Miss Ching Ting for an enjoyable and memorable evening.

Mr Russell Crann,
Director of Music.

Squash Success

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We are so proud of Haneesha, Year 11 Crawfurd, who came 5th in the SRAM Penang National Junior Circuit 2023. This was Haneesha’s first Girls Under 19 tournament, having previously competed against girls in the lower age group category

Haneesha also participated in one of the National Tournaments - WCE National Squash Championships -Women’s Division 1 - and won first place .

We are delighted to announce that, as a result of her performance in the recent championship, Haneesha was selected for the Asian Junior Championship in Dalian, China, to represent Malaysia.

Very well done, Haneesha!

The World Scholars Cup

Epsom is through to the next round - the Tournament of Champions at Yale University!

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In the Global round of the World Scholar's Cup (WSC), Epsom had the opportunity to compete against teams from 34 different countries. Some of these countries included Romania, Canada, the USA, Indonesia, India, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, China, Germany, Uganda, the UAE, Kenya, Thailand, Zambia, Slovakia, the Maldives, Oman, Japan, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

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Our students - Hong Ming, Sara Alesha and Khai Zhe -  participated in various challenging activities, including Team Debate, Team Writing, Scholar’s Challenge, and Scholar’s Bowl.

Here is our team pictured with Ms Perrang who has supported them:

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The Scholar’s Challenge, in particular, tested their general knowledge across a wide range of subjects, such as History, Art, Science, Music, and more. To prepare for this competition, our team dedicated their summer break to studying the theme for this year, which focused on reconstructing the past.

We are proud to announce that our students performed exceptionally well, securing a spot in the top 30% of competing teams. This remarkable achievement has earned them the opportunity to advance to the Tournament of Champions, scheduled to be held at Yale University during the first week of November.

Read below for Hong Ming’s write up of his WSC journey so far…

My World Scholar's Cup Experience by Hong Ming:

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The World Scholars Cup is a competition in which scholars from 40 different countries around the globe can compete including Japan, South Korea, China, Kenya and Canada.

Teams compete in the following categories: Team Debate, Team Writing, the Scholar’s Challenge and a Scholar’s Bowl. All of these competitions challenge competitors to their absolute limits and test knowledge of a range of subjects such as - Science, History, Music and Art.

Our journey as a team began when Alesha, Khai Zhe, and I competed in the Regional Round. At this stage we were oblivious to the fact that the real journey had just begun - soon we had the honour of representing our school in the Global Rounds and we had no intention of failing. For this important event, we strove to emerge victorious amongst the many scholars, and if I were to describe the process in one word, it would be ‘taxing’. Not only did we have to gather data from various resources to cover the syllabus content, we also had to rigorously prepare and hone our skills to be able to apply our knowledge of the content within the various rounds.

Amidst the hardships, there were moments of joy. These joyous moments included a scavenger hunt that placed us in random groups, serving as a precious opportunity to socialise with a variety of people as well as the Scholar’s Ball, a disco session, where participants are required to showcase their dance skills. These fun activities make the World Scholar’s Cup stand out from traditional competitions and facilitate the making of long lasting friendships.

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So how did we, Epsom, do?

Overall, we managed to achieve an aggregate of 28 medals, and we ranked 32nd of over 250 teams. Most importantly we secured a spot in the Tournament of Champions, located at the creme de la creme of universities - Yale.

Would I recommend it?

The competition was a test of both discipline and commitment. From the moment we signed up, we had to be mentally prepared to overcome the many challenges that came our way. We had to maintain our focus and keep up our momentum to achieve our place. To prepare for this competition, we had to sacrifice an hour or two for study sessions daily during the summer break. Based on my personal experience, I dare state that the event is only suitable for students in Year 10 or below as it can be extremely time-consuming.

What’s in it for you as a competitor?

Not only can you benefit from the wide variety of knowledge that you will inevitably gain from studying the syllabus, you can also make many new friends and improve your networking skills. Additionally, it can be extremely beneficial for building self-confidence as scholars are required to present themselves before an audience. Other than that, it can be extremely impactful for your college application as the World Scholar’s Cup is also directly related to Yale University, and thus elevates your academic portfolio onto another level.

Now, my team and I will be preparing for the Tournament of Champions in Yale. Though there are many uncertainties, there is one thing that I can say with confidence - that we will be fully prepared and will bring back nothing but honour to our school.

Best wishes,
Hong Ming, Year 11 Propert House.

Meet Our Team

Hello, we are Angela and Yunn Xynn of Crawfurd House and we would like to introduce you to some of our lovely Epsom teachers! This week we have interviewed some of our HMMs…

Ms Miller - Housemistress Crawfurd House and PE Teacher

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For new students: What advice would you give to students who are transitioning to boarding life for the first time?

My advice would be to always ask for help......... Find students who speak your language and ask them to help you.

How should students communicate with you to address any concerns or issues that may arise?

They should sign in to google chat - this way they can ask questions and know what is happening.

What resources or support systems are available to students who need assistance while living in Crawfurd House?

The biggest resource is the other students as well as our fantastic House Matrons and Tutors.

Can you introduce yourself and briefly describe your role as a Housemaster/mistress in our school?

As Housemistress of Crawfurd my role is very diverse; from helping students to settle, assisting with prep (homework), organising trips or activities, listening when a student is upset, blowing up balloons for decorations, checking the kitchen is stocked and emailing parents!

How long have you been in this role, and what inspired you to take on this responsibility?

I have worked in Crawfurd since 2022 and enjoy seeing students become more independent and being ready for the next stage, whether that is progressing to Senior school, GCSEs, A Levels or University.

3 words to describe you:Passionate, fun and organised



Mr Dean Jones, Housemaster of Granville

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For new students: What advice would you give to students who are transitioning to boarding life for the first time?

Enjoy every minute of your time in boarding house life and take every opportunity offered. The friendships that you make here in Epsom, the skills you develop and the memory of the experiences you have will be with you for your whole lives.

How do you communicate with students and address any concerns or issues that may arise?

Good communication and quick action is key to resolving issues and concerns. I prefer to speak face-to-face with students but of course this is impossible for all issues - thank goodness for Google.

What resources or support systems are available to students who need assistance while living in Granville?

Everything that staff do in Granville (and Epsom) is to support students and their needs - we are all here for you. In addition, students can call on their friends and family for help. It is only by working together that we succeed.

Can you introduce yourself and briefly describe your role as a Housemaster/mistress in our school?

I am easy to spot as the teacher with the whitest hair and you can find me in Granville House. I am from the beautiful county of Cornwall in the UK and have lived and travelled all over the world. I have two (almost) grown children and enjoy playing the piano and golf, and learning Chinese.

How long have you been in this role, and what inspired you to take on this responsibility?

I have worked in boarding for six years now and took the role because I enjoy working with teenagers and feel that I can make a positive difference to their lives.

3 words to describe you:

Caring, sociable, optimistic


Ms Kate Orpwood, Housemistress Rosebery House

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For new students: What advice would you give to students who are transitioning to boarding life for the first time?

Smile! And say yes to every invitation and opportunity.

How do you communicate with students and address any concerns or issues that may arise?

By listening, being tactful, and remembering there is always more than one version of a story.

What resources or support systems are available to students who need assistance while living in your house?

All the other wonderful Rosebuds, and our terrific team of tutors. Then, of course, there's the wider Epsom community, including our counsellor, Deputy Head Pastoral, the nurses... Our aim in Rosebery is for every girl to have someone to whom to turn.

Can you introduce yourself and briefly describe your role as a Housemaster/mistress in our school?

I'm Ms Orpwood and I'm a huge fan of Shakespeare - I spent the summer going to open air theatre! I also love wild swimming and walking, my garden, and picnics (though not the wasps). If I had a windfall, I would do another degree in French and Spanish, or a PhD in contemporary Australian fiction. As Housemistress of Rosebery, I see my role as making sure every girl feels cherished. I try to foster a culture that believes in second chances and seeing the best in people. I have no truck with exclusionary or exclusive cliques so this big-hearted House is a good fit for me. And I aim for Rosebery to be a place of growth and laughter and love. Plus, we make the best birthday cakes.

How long have you been in this role, and what inspired you to take on this responsibility?

This is my third year. I was delighted when Mr Brown offered me the position, and remain so. It's said that being Housemaster or Housemistress is the most demanding but rewarding role in a school. I'm sure there are other contenders for that spot, but it's certainly a privilege and usually a pleasure. Apart from all the emails 😉

3 words to describe you: Hopeless with technology

To learn more about our staff at Epsom, please click on this LINK.

Have a great weekend,
Yunn Xynn and Angela 🙂

So, Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading this issue of our Friday Flyer.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week!

Best wishes form us all at Epsom 🙂

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