Headmaster's Welcome

Friday Flyer

We were delighted to host the esteemed Headmaster of our sister school, Epsom College UK, Sir Anthony Seldon, on 30th of October. This momentous occasion brought together our educational institutions in pursuit of a shared vision for 21st-century education as we stand on the cusp of what Sir Anthony terms the fourth educational revolution.

The first educational revolution primarily involved acquiring survival skills, such as hunting and gathering. The second, in contrast, catered to the privileged elite. The third extended education to the masses, bringing inclusivity. Now, in this new era, the fourth educational revolution unfolds, emphasising the importance of individualised learning, bolstered by the assistance of artificial intelligence. This shift redirects our focus towards the development of soft skills, emotional intelligence, the art of negotiation, and most importantly, the cultivation of an enduring curiosity.

I can recommend Sir Anthony Seldon's extensive body of work chronicling the time in office of the last series of UK Prime Ministers since John Major. His wisdom and experience made him an exceptional guest, and our students will benefit immensely from his profound insights.

Both Epsom UK and Epsom Malaysia are committed to providing a holistic education that ensures our learners depart from our institutions not just academically proficient but also equipped with skills and attributes that will ensure that they are future-ready, confident, articulate, principled, and resilient. In an era where the engagement of young minds with politics and the ability to make informed decisions are paramount, our mission, as highlighted in last week's flyer, is to nurture well-rounded individuals with a profound understanding of the world around them. The exchange of ideas and the wisdom that Sir Anthony Seldon brought to our students, motivating them to confront the challenges of the 21st century with open minds and strong values was greatly appreciated.

Our commitment to holistic education extends to the domains of music, sports, and drama, which are integral in developing emotional intelligence (EQ) as opposed to IQ alone. Just before the half-term break, our annual House Music event unfolded, and it was a night of anticipation, collaboration, and extraordinary performances. The pictures that you will see later in this issue capture some of the magic of the evening for which our students had meticulously prepared, collaborating on song choices, parts, timings, and more. The quality of the performances was exceptional, and we take immense pride in their achievements. This event showcased the depth of talent and the spirit of collaboration that flourishes within our educational community, reinforcing our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are equipped to thrive in the complex and ever-evolving world.

I hope that you enjoy the articles and pictures that follow.

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,

Mr Matthew Brown,

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Sir Anthony Seldon's Visit in Picture

Sir Anthony Seldon, Headmaster of Epsom College UK, came with Second Master Mr Paul Williams, to visit us at Epsom College Malaysia this week.

Friday Flyer

Both colleagues gave generously of their time via an assembly, an Epsom Live Talk moderated by our 3 students Sameer, Aishah and Vincent followed by an evening event at the Chow Kit Hotel in KL.

Mr Paul Williams taught Mathematics to our Chair of Governors, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, when Tony was a student at Epsom UK and so it was great for them to catch up in person.

Friday Flyer

Ms Olivia Archibald, our Head of Mathematics, as well as Mrs Goergie Prestidge, our Head of English, were very happy to see Mr Williams and Sir Anthony as both Olivia and Georgie worked previously at Epsom UK.

Friday Flyer

We hope that Mr Williams and Sir Anthony enjoyed their time with us as much as we enjoyed hosting them and look forward to meeting up again soon.

A Message from our Leadership Team, Mrs Kate Fowler, Deputy Headteacher, Pastoral

Digital Wellbeing

Promoting digital wellbeing for students is essential in today's technology-driven world, where students often spend a significant amount of time online for education, socialising, and entertainment. Digital wellbeing encompasses various aspects of healthy tech use, including managing screen time, maintaining a balanced online-offline life, and fostering a positive digital environment. Recently at Epsom we have introduced the no mobile phone policy for our Key Stage 3 students to encourage them to socialise face to face during the school and reduce screen time. Over the last two weeks it has been fantastic to see Year 7, 8 & 9 students in the corridor chatting to each other and in the dining hall playing games together around a table instead of staring at their mobile phones. We have heard increased laughter and seen increased positive social interactions over the last two weeks as a consequence of less mobile phone use.

Supporting digital wellbeing is something the school promotes through our PSHE programme, assemblies and routines and rules within the school day and boarding houses. For students, parents and staff it is important that we understand strategies to promote digital wellbeing.

Here are some strategies to support digital wellbeing:

  • Set Screen Time Limits: Encourage students to set daily or weekly screen time limits for specific apps or activities. This can help prevent excessive screen time and ensure they have time for other activities.
  • Use Digital Wellbeing Tools: Many operating systems and apps offer digital wellbeing features that allow users to track their screen time and set app-specific time limits. Encourage students to utilize these tools.
  • Establish Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas and times as tech-free zones. For example, bedrooms can be technology-free areas to promote better sleep.
  • Mindful Tech Use: Teach students to be mindful of their tech use. Encourage them to reflect on whether the time spent online is productive, and if not, to consider alternative activities.
  • Promote Physical Activity: Encourage students to engage in physical activities regularly, as this can help counterbalance the sedentary nature of screen time.
  • Online Safety: Teach students about online safety, including how to protect their personal information and be aware of potential online dangers.
  • Cultivate Digital Citizenship: Promote responsible online behavior, emphasizing kindness, respect, and empathy in digital interactions.
  • Parental Controls: Parents and guardians can utilize parental control software to limit access to certain websites or apps, especially for younger students.
  • Set Boundaries: Encourage students to establish boundaries regarding when and where they use technology, such as no screens during meals or before bedtime.
  • Regular Breaks: Encourage short, frequent breaks during online study or recreational activities to reduce screen fatigue and eye strain.
  • Engage in Offline Activities: Encourage students to pursue offline hobbies and interests. These activities can provide a healthy balance to digital life.
  • Stay Informed: Stay informed about the latest trends in technology and digital culture, so you can better guide students in navigating the digital landscape.
  • Digital Detox: Consider implementing periodic digital detox days or weekends to encourage students to disconnect and spend quality time offline.
  • Open Communication: Foster an open dialogue about digital wellbeing. Encourage students to share their experiences and concerns related to their online activities.
  • Professional Help: If you notice signs of digital addiction or excessive screen time affecting a student's well-being, seek professional help from a counselor or therapist.

Digital wellbeing is an ongoing process, and it's essential to adapt strategies as technology evolves. By teaching students to use technology mindfully and responsibly, we can help them develop healthy digital habits that will serve them well throughout their lives.

A Sneak Preview of Some Short Story Submissions

Our English Department is offering some exciting opportunities to participate in short story writing competitions…

Friday Flyer Friday Flyer

Scan the QR codes to read Mr Hill’s class’s dystopian stories and see what they will submit…Happy Reading (or maybe not?)


Story title: UNMARKED

Friday Flyer


Story title: The man is always watching

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Story title: Last time I saw natural light, or breathed natural oxygen was thirty years ago

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Story Title:  2099: Oasis

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Zi Yi

Story Title : 'Enslaved to Technology'

Friday Flyer

Soi Men

Story title: Tied by Love

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Story title: see you soon

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Story title: If only

Friday Flyer

Yordan: Time

Story title: Revolution

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Time comes and goes.

Friday Flyer

Sean Yusi

Story title: The Demon King

Friday Flyer

Rosebery House Updates

Carr House Updates

The Carr Girls have arrived...

Carr House has warmly welcomed new additions to its family! Following the half-term break, our Carr girls smoothly transitioned to their new home on the third floor of Carr House. The girls have settled in wonderfully and have genuinely transformed this space into their own! Despite the initial unfamiliarity of their surroundings and roommates, they quickly formed connections and have became close friends.

The girls have seized every opportunity to connect and learn more about each other. There have been impromptu Halloween fashion shows, where they've showcased sneak peeks of their costumes. They’ve also exchanged a handful of snacks while enjoying shows together and given each other fabulous makeovers!

Friday Flyer

The energy on the third floor of Carr House is nothing short of infectious, from endless conversations to giggles echoing through the halls. They look forward to spending time with one another and love helping each other. It's clear that the Carr girls have embraced Carr House with open arms and warm hearts!

Miss Tih, Pastoral Care Assistant for Carr Third Floor

Listening results in great team work

This week at the Carr House Assembly, I reflected on a phrase that Ms Maggie Khoo emphasised during every rehearsal for the Instrumental Piece in House music: "You must actively listen to one another." The boys needed to take this advice in order to create the correct timing and cohesion for their music piece.

I shared with the Carr students that this wisdom extended beyond music, that it related to their everyday lives. To thrive as a team and coexist in harmonious unity, we must listen to one another attentively. A great example of this unfolded on Tuesday when a group of boys encountered a predicament—a rugby ball got stuck high in a tree. They needed a plan to get it down. After listening to each other, they came together and agreed on a plan to get the ball out of the tree.

The listening continued as they collaborated. They lifted each other onto each other’s shoulders to be able to reach the ball to hit at it with a long stick. There were many unsuccessful shots to get the ball down but the cheering continued and those who listened to the cheering kept going and this led to great teamwork and spirit and eventually the ball was successfully retrieved from the tree!

Friday Flyer

I hope the Carr students will forever embrace the art of listening to one another. May they remember that, in conversations and in life, it's often more enriching to take a moment to listen than to hasten with a reply. Listen to learn, listen to uplift, listen to empathise, listen to understand, and, above all, listen to love.

Jennifer Garnett
Housemistress, Carr House

Science Department News

Friday Flyer

Year 10 Eye Dissection

In the world of biology, there's no better way to truly understand the intricate complexities of the human body than by getting hands-on. For our Year 10 students, this idea took on a literal meaning as they embarked on a fascinating journey into the anatomy of the human eye.

Before delving into the dissection itself, students were introduced to the fascinating science behind vision. The eye is an incredibly intricate and sensitive organ, responsible for transmitting light and converting it into electrical signals that our brain can interpret as images. This marvel of nature is a complex interplay of various structures, from the cornea, lens, and retina to the optic nerve.

With lab coats, safety goggles and gloves in place, students were ready to explore the anatomy of the eye. The dissection started with an introduction to the external structures of the eye: the sclera (the white part), the cornea (the transparent outer layer), and the connective muscle and fat. As students carefully observed these structures, they gained a deeper understanding of the eye's remarkable ability to protect itself.

Next, the students focused (pardon the pun!) on the internal structures, which include the iris, lens, vitreous humour, and retina. They were encouraged to touch and feel the textures of these structures, helping them appreciate the differences in the consistency and fragility of the eye's components. In addition to seeing these structures up close, students had the chance to grasp the significance of the lens by placing it on a written worksheet and seeing its amazing magnification abilities.

The Year 10 Eye Dissection was more than just an opportunity to dissect an eye; it was a valuable lesson in teamwork, patience, and attention to detail. Students had to work together, share responsibilities, and communicate effectively to ensure a successful dissection. Furthermore, they learned to handle delicate instruments with care and precision.

This dissection provided an insight (yet another pun!) into the real-world applications of biology. Understanding the human eye's anatomy is not just fascinating; it is crucial in the field of medicine and ophthalmology. From diagnosing eye conditions to performing surgical procedures, knowledge of the eye's structure is vital for those pursuing careers in healthcare.

The Year 10 Eye Dissection was undoubtedly a memorable experience for both students and teachers alike. It allowed students to explore the remarkable intricacies of the human eye in a way that textbooks and lectures could never replicate. Beyond the dissection table, this hands-on experience instilled in students a deep appreciation for the wonder of biology and the marvel of the human body. It was an eye-opening adventure in the world of science that they will carry with them throughout their academic and professional journeys.

Ms Crann,
Biology Teacher.

BSE Society

Friday Flyer

As ever our student conceived and student led Business Studies and Economics (BSE) Society has been busy this week exploring the application of the theory that they study in real world contexts as well as leveraging on the opportunities that Halloween presents in terms of generating revenue!

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Boys U15 Football Tournament

Friday saw the U15 Boys’ first competition in the KL Sports League this season.  This football tournament consisted of 7 schools vying for the coveted first trophy.  The boys travelled early to Petaling Jaya and the first match was against Beaconhouse.

Friday Flyer

Our boys performed superbly and goals from Eric, Qaid and Alex ensured that Epsom started well.  The next match against Sunway went Epsom's way and we ran out 4-1 winners.  Asia Pacific provided stiff competition despite heroics in defence from Hal and Henry and we lost 1-0.  Our boys picked themselves up and, led superbly by Shinsai, beat a strong Mutiara team 2-1 with a stunning goal from Alex.  The last 2 matches were comfortable for Epsom winning 6-0 against a gallant Straits team and 5-0 against Hibiscus. 

Overall, our boys finished second and collected a Silver Medal.  This tournament came on the back of a 3rd place at the Marlborough Games and there is no doubt that the team is improving rapidly. 

Mr Dien Wooler.
PE Teacher

Under 15 Girls Basketball

In the beginning, we were down 2-10 with Rachel C scoring the only basket in the first 2 quarters. After a pep talk from Mr Fowler, Yi Ro scored 4 points. Adriana scored 4 points and Rachel scored 4 more points on her previous 2. Her second basket was a crazy rebound shot off Adrianas' free throw with Rachel running in and grabbing the ball, scoring an excellent 2 points bringing us up to tie with KTJ at 14-14.

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Friday Flyer

We enjoyed amazing defence by Rachel, Yunn-Xyn and Angela and we kept the draw until the last quarter with Ellie (me!) helping make some good passes keeping the ball away from the opposition.

Friday Flyer

Unfortunately, after our comeback, in the last minute of the last quarter, KTJ scored, and after our last effort, they beat us by 2 points. All in all, it was an amazing game and a great learning experience for our team with outstanding support from Mr Fowler and Mrs Yulia.

We are very proud of how we played and the result and look forward to playing KTJ again. 

Written by Ellie, Year 9 Crawfurd.

Comfort Society Slumber Party

Friday Flyer

Last week we enjoyed a night of fun, laughter, and camaraderie as we gathered at the Grayling Centre for a pyjama party event to kick back and relax together in true Comfort Crew style! There were many fun activities on offer that had us all looking forward to a fantastic evening.

Quizzes were the first order of business. The front area of the Grayling Centre came alive with participants eagerly gathering around the large TV. The questions challenged our wits and knowledge, and the competitive spirit was high. To accommodate everyone, we adopted a teamwork approach, ensuring that no one felt left out.

Board games were another highlight of the evening, and the corridor and one of the tutorial rooms were transformed into a gaming paradise. From classic board games to card games, the options were endless. The most exciting part, perhaps, was the Twister game set up in the corridor. While we enjoyed our games, a watchful school prefect ensured that we adhered to the rules and respected designated playing areas.

The pinnacle of the night was the movie screening, and punctuality was key. The Grayling Centre's back area was transformed into a cozy cinema as we settled down with our pajamas, snacks, and drinks. The featured film, "My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip," delighted the crowd, and our cheers and laughter filled the room.

Friday Flyer

Our pyjama party was a night to remember where we forged stronger bonds within our Epsom Community!

See you soon, but, until then... Stay Comfy, Comfort Crowd!

Warm Hugs,
Comfort Crew

Follow our instagram at @ecimcomfortsociety

Preparing for Deepavali

Friday Flyer

As Deepavali approaches, Houses have begun making their kolams/rangolis and their displays will be judged on 5th November.

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Friday Flyer

We look forward to seeing the kolams/rangolis as part of our celebrations!

Warmest regards,
Hitesh, Year 13 Granville and Karishaa, Year 13 Crawfurd & Social Prefect

Meet Our Teachers

Hello, we are Angela and Yunn Xynn of Crawfurd House and we would like to introduce you to some of our lovely Epsom teachers! This week we have interviewed one of our lovely Music Teachers, Mr Azmi:

Friday Flyer

Do you like being a Music teacher at Epsom?


What inspired you to become a music teacher and why do you enjoy teaching this subject?*

Watching my students progress in their musical journey is something I really enjoy. I strongly believe that music is like a spark for our imagination and curiosity. It's a special way for us to express ourselves. Music comes in all sorts of styles and emotions, and it helps us think in new and creative ways. We can experiment with different sounds and learn about melody, rhythm, harmony and how to express feelings through words in a song. Music isn't just about sounds; it's a powerful way to share what's on our minds and in our hearts. It helps us talk about our feelings, tell stories, celebrate our culture and even stand up for what we believe in. It's like a language that everyone can understand, no matter where they're from. Personally, it brings me joy to see my students getting better at making music.

Do you have any suggestions or tips to help students be more confident on the stage to perform!!

Practise and Prepare: The more you practise and prepare your music, the more confident you'll be. Know your piece inside and out. This will help reduce anxiety. Perform regularly: The more you perform in front of others, the more comfortable you'll become. Start with small, low-pressure settings and gradually work your way up to larger performances. Dress the part: Wear attire that makes you feel good and confident. Feeling good about your appearance can boost your self-esteem. Rehearse Stage Presence: Practise not just the music but also your stage presence. How you walk on stage, interact with the audience, and acknowledge applause can all contribute to your confidence.

Can you describe yourself in 3 words?

Music, Happy, Gentle

To learn more about our staff at Epsom, please click on this LINK.

Have a great weekend,
Yunn Xynn and Angela 🙂

Epsom Magazine

Our students have published the latest issue of the Epsom Magazine - enjoy!

So, Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend.

Happy Friday from us all at Epsom.


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