Headmaster's Welcome

I hope you have enjoyed your week and that you are looking forward to your weekend. You can click HERE to see what has been on offer at Epsom since Monday. As you can see, the activities have been rich and varied thanks to the commitment, initiative and engagement of our students as well as our dedicated and enthusiastic staff.

Those among you who are regular readers of our Flyer will know only too well the significance that we, as a school, place on the development of soft skills as an integral part of any student’s learning journey - the development of character is crucial. In an era dominated by technological advancements, where information is readily available at our fingertips, the focus is shifting from mere data transfer between teacher and student to the cultivation of essential interpersonal skills. Sir Anthony Seldon, Headmaster of our sister school, Epsom College, UK, defines this shift as the ‘Fourth Educational Revolution’.

Interpersonal skills, resilience, determination, curiosity, a joy of learning, and the ability to compromise and negotiate are paramount in preparing students for the interconnected global society they will navigate as adults. The ability to remain positive in the face of challenge, to overcome the fear of failure and to learn from one's mistakes cannot and should not be underestimated. Every day, as I walk around our school and engage with our students, I witness firsthand how crucial these skills are, watching students triumph over challenges in both their academic and social lives.

I am so very proud of the students who joined us at the start of the academic year in August with very limited English proficiency who are now becoming confident and increasingly articulate in their second language. Others have struggled with a particular subject and through practice and hard work have shown significant improvement. As I wrote in an earlier Flyer, HWBTWTDNWH - Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Does Not Work Hard. Attitude is key - a can-do attitude will ensure success.

While digital skills are vital, it's the combination of these soft skills with digital prowess that truly makes a student future-ready. The ability to overcome challenges, negotiate, and work collaboratively are qualities that stand out in a world where human interaction plays a pivotal role.

We, as adults, often recall how someone made us feel, rather than the specifics of what was said. This underscores the importance of human interactions and the life lessons gained through experiences, successes, and challenges. At Epsom, we strive to create an environment where students not only excel academically but also relish the joy of friendship and face life's challenges head-on. We aspire for them to learn in a culture committed to scholarship and from teachers who themselves are lifelong learners.

Whether it's excelling in sports, music, drama, or public speaking, our students are committed to self-improvement, recognising these areas as avenues to shape their future selves. As the term concludes, I am immensely proud of our students' growth and excited about the possibilities that await them in Term 2.

In essence, beyond the academic curriculum, it is the development of character that will truly prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

I hope that you enjoy the articles to follow and wish you Happy Reading and a very Happy Friday!

Mr Matthew Brown,


A Message from our Leadership Team - Mr Stearman, Head of Key Stage 3SLT (MICHAEL S)

This week I delivered an assembly on the topic of sport and the powerful influence it has had on society. Sports popularity has meant that it has been able to promote social change and unite people with a common interest and goal.

Throughout my life playing, viewing and coaching sports I have observed the power that it has, from developing social skills in our young learners, to changing the mood of a city or nation, sport has the ability to change the world for the positive, when harnessed in the right way.

Friday Flyer


In the fast-paced world of academia and extracurricular activities, it's easy to overlook the profound impact that sports can have on our children. In Monday’a assembly I delved into the captivating stories and lessons, shedding light on the global influence and transformative power of sports. Sports shape character, break down societal barriers and teach invaluable life lessons.

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The assembly began with a spotlight on Jesse Owens and his remarkable journey during the 1936 Olympics. Sports go beyond pure competition, they can challenge norms and defy racial ideologies. Owens' victories in Nazi Germany sent a powerful message that excellence knows no bounds, inspiring generations to come. It's a lesson in resilience, determination, and the ability of one person to make a difference, as well as the collaboration and kindness displayed by German long jumper Luz Long.


Friday Flyer

Moving forward, the assembly touched on "Ping Pong Diplomacy," a testament to how sports can bridge political divides, the informal exchange between American and Chinese table tennis players that led to improved diplomatic relations. This is not just a historical anecdote; it's a living proof that, even in times of tension, the language of sports can foster understanding and cooperation.

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The spotlight then shifted to the Rugby World Cup in post-apartheid South Africa in 1995. This event brought together a nation that was still reeling from the social divide brought about over the previous decades. Nelson Mandela strategically used rugby to unite a divided nation, emphasising the potential of sports to transcend societal fractures and contribute to reconciliation. It's a lesson that resonates in today's world, where unity is more crucial than ever.

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We then touched on the Football Ceasefire during World War I, t a moment in history when soldiers laid down their weapons and played football during a Christmas truce. It's a lesson in humanity, illustrating that, even in the darkest of times, sports can provide a glimmer of shared joy and unity.

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So, what can you take away from this assembly? Here are some practical pieces of advice:

Encourage Participation: Whether in team sports or individual activities, encourage your child to participate in sports. The lessons learned on the field extend far beyond physical fitness—teamwork, discipline, and perseverance are qualities that will benefit them throughout life.

Promote Inclusivity: Emphasise the inclusive nature of sports. It's a space where differences fade away, and individuals are recognised for their skills and passion. This understanding will help your child appreciate diversity and foster a sense of belonging.

Discuss Historical Context: Take the time to discuss historical stories of sportsmanship and courage as a family. Understanding the broader impact of sports provides context for their own experiences and helps them see their role in a larger narrative.

Emphasise Values: Reinforce the values taught through sports—fair play, respect for opponents, and the ability to bounce back from defeat. These values will contribute to the development of a well-rounded, resilient individual.

Highlight Positive Role Models: Point out positive role models in the sports world. From athletes who use their platforms for social change to coaches who instil discipline and values, these figures can serve as inspirations for your child.

Mr Michael Stearman,
PE Teacher & Head of Key Stage 3.

Friends of Epsom Charity Event

Friday Flyer

Join Us for a Heartwarming Christmas Celebration at Epsom!

Dear Epsom School Community,

'Tis the season of giving, and the Friends of Epsom, in collaboration with our dedicated teachers, prep and senior students, is delighted to host a series of annual events and charity drives to brighten the lives of the less fortunate.

Upcoming Fundraising Events:

  1. Christmas Charity Lunch on December 10th, at Chow Kit Hotel, Kuala Lumpur (Tickets Sold Out)
  2. School Charity Lunch on December 12th, 12pm at school dining hall.
  3. Christmas Bazaar on December 13th, starting at 11 am onwards
  4. Prep school Christmas Charity Fun Run on December 15th, 8am

Save the Date:

Your presence at the Christmas Bazaar will not only bring joy to your heart but also contribute to our charitable initiatives, making this season brighter for those in need.

Friday Flyer


Extended Acts of Kindness: Shoebox Gifts for a Heartwarming Christmas

As we celebrate, Friends of Epsom, alongside teachers, students, and parent volunteers, are spreading joy even further through a special Shoebox Gifts initiative. These gifts will reach six deserving homes:

  1. Rumah Kita: A shelter for women who have experienced sexual assault and numerous stateless infants.
  2. Kaizen Orphanage Home
  3. Love Home: Burmese Orphanage Home
  4. Teacher Atlem Nursery Class: A Haven for Refugee Kids Unable to Attend a Proper School
  5. Orang Asli Settlement: A Hilltop Indigenous Community with Limited Resources
  6. CalvaryLand: Orphanage & Senior Citizen Home
Friday Flyer

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the school for its unwavering support, and we deeply appreciate the generous contributions from parents and students involved. Let's come together to spread joy and warmth this festive season!

Best wishes from,

The Friends of Epsom

A Message from our Languages Department

Why study languages at Epsom?

Friday Flyer

As Epsom’s Year 9 students begin to think about which subjects they would like to choose for iGCSE, we would like to share some perspectives from our senior students on their experiences of learning languages at Epsom.

I have always had a strange connection with the French language. I have always loved it. My journey to learning French started when I was 13, when I discovered the significance of the language to my childhood and my life. Following my first two years learning French and doing my A1 exam for the French Language Diploma (DELF), my French teacher moved to Paris for a new job opportunity. Then, it was two years in a strange, perpetual linguistic limbo, watching new wave French horror, and listening to the best of French Indie artists, with the likes of Pomme, Angele and Videoclub, but never formally learning the language. I had a tutor for a year, with whom I completed the A2 exam. Upon my enrolment at Epsom, considering my wishes to apply to universities in France, I decided to do B2 French, the level required for enrolment at French universities. The Epsom Modern Foreign Language department has been very accommodating, taking into account the gaps in my language education, and tailoring the lessons to fit my levels and working on my weaknesses. I am filled with gratitude for my French teachers, Ms Macleod and Mr Larburu, for their tireless effort in helping us achieve our goals. Overall, Epsom has been a conducive learning environment and the MFL department has been very understanding and privy to our goals and the academic workload that we already have doing A-Levels. I look forward to passing my B2 exam with flying colours at the end of the year.

Sameer, Year 12


I'm taking Mandarin because Mandarin is the second most spoken language in the world.

Language is an important tool in all situations, such as expanding friendships,  academics, and starting a business. Learning Mandarin in addition to English will not only give me the joy of having many friends, but will also increase my value in business.

Communication is essential for humans to socialise and language is one of the tools which enable us to share our own cultures such as festivals, food, clothes, art, etc. It broadens my perspectives and horizons and allows me to understand the wider world. If I was in Japan (I am Japanese) then I would have a limited perspective.

I have many Chinese or Chinese Malaysian friends in Epsom, and I have the opportunity to speak Mandarin with my friends. You won't improve your language skills unless you speak and use your knowledge. In that aspect, Epsom can be said to be the best environment to learn Mandarin. This environment allows me to come into contact with Mandarin daily, such as having a friend correct my pinyin, listening to conversations with my friends who are familiar with Chinese, and joining in on the conversation myself. I am feeling positive about my improvement in Mandarin and enjoy my learning journey.

Yuka, Year 11


My name is Shannie, currently I’m in year 12. In my IGCSE I picked a variety of subjects including Chinese as a second language. I chose to study Chinese because firstly I believed that Chinese would help me in the future as it is getting more popular around the world. Secondly, because I would like to continue studying my mother tongue and return to my family.

Shan Nie, Year 12

Protecting Our Planet

On Thursday, November 30, our students engaged passionately in activities highlighting the crucial importance of protecting our planet. Mrs. Sankey’s Year 8 Chemistry class, for instance, delved into creating biodegradable plastic using cornstarch, water, glycerin, and white vinegar, emphasising the impact of small actions on a larger scale.

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Adam’s poignant perspective, shared in the context of a turtle navigating ocean waste, added depth to our understanding of environmental challenges. The students’ empathetic response included creating awareness posters in English and designing reusable water bottles in Design and Technology.

“As a gentle sea turtle, I have travelled far and wide in search of food and a peaceful place to rest. I have decided to explore an unknown part of the ocean that I have not seen with my own eyes. I've heard tales of a place in the ocean filled with unknown items, known as the wastes, where the ocean's currents clash and floating islands are real. While swimming through the wastes, I stumbled upon what seemed like an endless sea of weird looking jellyfish and other unknown items. It was like trying to navigate through a school of fish. Everything there tasted horrible, like eating sand. As I floated through, I would get poked and cut by sharp objects and tangled in the large ones. Even when I swam deeper, they followed and swarmed me. I managed to rest on a floating island, eating the few crabs and mollusks that lived there. I eventually made it out of the wastes, and began to look for other turtles to tell my story.” - Adam L.

English proficiency development was evident in visually striking posters focusing on the 4 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce). Meanwhile, in Art, students crafted awareness rocks, spreading messages about the environment—keep an eye out for them if you’re ever in Mercato.

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In their Mathematics class, students undertook the calculation of their carbon footprint, considering six crucial factors: flight, driving, food consumption, waste generation, electricity usage, and the acquisition of new electronic equipment.

Following a viewing of a climate change video, students actively engaged in a series of tasks to quantify their individual carbon footprints. The results were astounding, with one student registering an alarming 37,000 kg of CO2e. The significance of this data underscores the impact of cumulative small changes in our daily routines. Feel free to assess and calculate your own carbon footprint using our Carbon Footprint Calculator available here: Carbon footprint calculator.

Mrs. Crann’s Biology class explored ecosystem challenges, while Drama students took a creative approach with the ‘Captivating Climate Change Awareness TikTok Challenge.’ TikTok users, check out their impactful videos under #climateactionchallenge.

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This newsletter captures just a glimpse of the remarkable lessons on Protecting our Planet. Students and teachers alike delved into the ‘why,’ ‘what,’ and ‘how’s’ of climate change, emphasising individual actions in raising awareness and reducing our carbon footprint through mindful waste and plastic management.

Here’s to a future where every small act contributes to the well-being of our planet.

Happy Friday,

Ms Louise Van Der Linde,
Mathematics Teacher and STEAM Coordinator

KLASS Basketball Tournament

On Friday the 1st of December, our U18 boys were fortunate enough to take part in the KLASS Basketball Tournament. This was a great opportunity for our boys to improve their team chemistry and to prepare for the season starting next term. The boys played four matches over the course of the tournament which was hosted in Alice Smith School and our team showed great determination and passion throughout. In the group stage, the boys first had a rematch against Sunway International School in which they showed fantastic defence fighting until the final whistle. They were extremely unlucky as the captain, Jacob, was injured at the start of the match which cost them dearly. The boys showed immense improvement from a friendly match that had been played against the same opponents merely a week earlier.

Friday Flyer

In their second game the boys dominated against HELP International School, with a complete defensive shutdown preventing them from scoring from open play. A fantastic scoring display from Kevin added to an all-round consistent performance which allowed our boys to finish second in their group.

This gave the boys the unenviable task of playing the home team, Alice Smith in the next round. It started off as a cagey affair with neither team able to take control going into half time. The boys continued their theme of playing suffocating defence against an Alice Smith team which had scored relentlessly against their previous opponents. Our well-coordinated and passionate defence limited the opposition to 3 points by half time. However, by this point, our boys were tired and not having the crowd on their side was difficult. Our boys still displayed great resilience, specifically Hung who gave everything he had until the end of the match.

In their last match, our boys had a tough match against King Henry VIII College, one of the favourites going into the tournament. Against the much older and more experienced opposition, it would be the young guard pairing of Jack and Jiaqi who would highlight their offensive prowess along with grit and grind on the defensive end. It would again be a signature defensive grind that would carry this team to the lead all the way to the end where they barely fell short against our far older and more experienced opponents. Overall, the boys showed their passion for the game and all earned their spots on the team. It was the younger lads who really shone on the brightest stage with Jack and Jackie running the show and Charles acting as an immovable mountain in the paint. It was a fantastic opportunity for our Epsom boys to put into practice what they train every week in their CCA’s and to prepare for the coming season.

Nik I, Year 12 Granville

Aisha - Asia Pacific Spartan Championship

Congratulations to Aisha, Year 12 Rosebery, who on 25th November, competed in the Spartan Race Asia Pacific Championships in Phuket. We are so proud to announce that Aisha came first in the 14-17 age group category and was featured in Spartan Race Malaysia!

Friday Flyer

(pictured are Aisha and her very proud mum!)

 See the posts on Aisha on Facebook and Instagram

Great Golf

ECM Golf Academy Excels in US Kids Golf Local Tour Malaysia & Winter Golf Camps

Friday Flyer

In a weekend filled with passion, skill, and sportsmanship, the Epsom College in Malaysia Golf Academy left an indelible mark at the US Kids Golf Local Tour Malaysia Leg 5 & 6, hosted at A'Famosa Golf Resort in Melaka.

Leg 5 (2nd December):

Adrianna secured 2nd place, Nexus also claimed 2nd place, Tsuyoshi secured 3rd place and James, only in his 5th tournament round, finished 10th with a score of 104, a personal best for him.

Friday Flyer

Leg 6 (3rd December):

Adrianna clinched 1st place with an outstanding gross score of 73. Nexus maintained consistency, securing 2nd place, Tsuyoshi impressed with 2nd place and a gross score of 76 and James exhibited resilience, finishing 10th again.

Tour Championship Final Points:

Friday Flyer

As the US Kids Golf Malaysia Tour concluded, Adrianna secured 1st place overall in the Tour’s final points, showcasing consistent excellence. Despite missing two legs, Nexus finished 5th, Tsuyoshi claimed 3rd place overall and James achieved 11th place.

Friday Flyer

It's noteworthy that Nexus, Tsuyoshi, and James, despite missing two legs, secured commendable positions in the overall season standings.

In a remarkable feat of improvement, James achieved his personal best with a score of 104, highlighting quick improvements as he was playing above 120 gross in October. Adrianna's extraordinary talent was further highlighted by an eagle on the first day, contributing to her qualification for the US Kids Golf World Championships in Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA.

The ECM community congratulates the Golf Academy team for their remarkable achievements throughout the US Kids Golf Malaysia Tour. We eagerly anticipate their continued success in future endeavors.

Watch this space as Adrianna competes in India and Nexus in Singapore for US Kids Golf India and Srixon Juniors Singapore respectively.

Winter Golf Camps:

Find out more from our Winter Golf Camp above. If you want to join our golf camps throughout the winter break, please contact us and enjoy a 50% discount as Epsom College students.

Dinie Zaki
Golf Coach
ECM Golf Academy

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Awesome Athletics

Twenty nine students travelled to Alice Smith to compete in a friendly track and field competition. Some of you must be thinking, that sounds like an oxymoron! But yes, it was both competitive and friendly! It was the first meet of the season and it was wonderful for so many students, from a range of year groups, to experience competing against other international schools. There were many wonderful results and all the students were very determined to do their best. All deserve credit for their efforts and wonderful behaviour. An extra special well done to Luke F and Jacob L who finished 1st and 2nd respectively in the U18 800m race. Epsom certainly dominated that one!

Here is what some of the participating Epsomians have to say about the experience:

The friendly game hosted by Alice Smith recently gained me a lot of exposure, a preview of FOBISIA and a goal to strive toward. The games were really intense and it was a tough but fun competition. We ended the day with smiles and laughter and, I’m not gonna lie, it gave me personally more motivation to improve and look forward to next time we meet.

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Friday Flyer


YiRo,  Year 10 Crawfurd

The event today was really fun - it was challenging but we learned a lot and gained new experiences. Hopefully we can have more events like this in the future

Ao, Year 9 Holman

Completing the 400m and 4x100m relay race on the track filled me with an exhilarating mix of exhaustion and accomplishment. I had a little cramp at the end but everything else was fine. Securing the 2nd place spot left me proud and motivated to continue pushing my athletic limits. At the end I sprinted all the way, for 100m but a girl in SUNWAY beat me because she had spikes on so she had more grip to the track and pushed herself to the finish line.

Het voltooien van de estafetteloop van 400 en 4x100 meter op de baan vervulde mij met een opwindende mix van uitputting en prestatie. Aan het einde had ik wat krampen, maar voor de rest was alles prima. Het veiligstellen van de tweede plaats maakte mij trots en gemotiveerd om mijn atletische grenzen te blijven verleggen. Aan het einde sprintte ik helemaal, 100 meter lang, maar een meisje in SUNWAY versloeg me omdat ze spikes had, zodat ze meer grip op de baan had en zichzelf naar de finish duwde.

Nurfatiha, Year 9, Crawfurd House

FOBISIA U15 Friendly Games

Over 4 days, 24 Epsom students participated in over 93 different events in Thailand as part of the FOBISIA U15 Friendly Games. This was the first time that Epsom College in Malaysia (ECiM) had entered this competition and students were tested on their ability to perform as a team and as an individual and they all excelled in both categories. The entry list had a truly international feel with Epsom competing against the following schools.

  • The British School Kathmandu (TBS)
  • Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park
  • Renaissance International School
  • Hua Hin International School
  • Crescendo HELP International School
  • British Vietnamese International School Hanoi
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Friday Flyer

Epsom came second in the Athletics and Swimming event, which is a fantastic achievement. The boys also finished second in the football event. Bringing home a week of memories and many medals, each student can walk (or limp) away from this experience and can confidently say “I gave it my all”. I hold a lot of admiration for the team for their drive and dedication and the results demonstrate how hard they worked for this.

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Every student and staff member returned exhausted but it was well worth it. The sports program was long and demanding, from early morning to late afternoon and always in the sun. Believe it or not, students did not have their mobile phones throughout the day. The students were busy and phones had no place at the games, not until the last night when students could exchange contacts. Almost all of the students did not miss their phones either, they were so busy either competing, making friends, eating or resting.  For a small period of time they experienced growing up in the 1980’s, a great decade!

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There were many wonderful performances on the track, in the pool, on the football field and in the basketball courts.

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There were tears and lots of cheers. However, sports performances aside, there were also wonderful performances in making sure my room was tidy, remembering to put sunblock on, helping people with their luggage, checking for rubbish on the bus, singing and just being nice! Trips that take us out of our comfort zone have an added life value, they teach us so much more!

Thank you to Mr Long, Miss Pleshivtseva. Mr Wooler  and Miss Marcy for their hard work and dedication throughout the term as well as the parents who were able to come and support.

Well done all!

Mr Miller
Director of Sports

U18 Girls Netball

On Saturday, our U18 Girls Netball Team travelled to Marlborough College in Johor for their annual Marlborough Straits tournament. The team, consisting of ten members with varying skills and experience levels, showcased a strong chemistry and bond that had been nurtured through practices and dedication before the tournament. The matches were coached by Ms. Dayang, who motivated us with her experience and provided tactical and strategic advice, and Mr. Looi, who cheered us on with his thumbs up and smile. Despite a rough start in our first match, we persevered, winning all other consecutive games in our grouping, securing second place overall and advancing to the finals. Despite our persistence, we finished 4th out of 8 schools in the finals, yet an incredible comeback was attempted, ending the first half with 1 goal and the second half with 6, losing only by one. This experience provided invaluable insight into the netball community, enhanced our skills, and created lasting memories. A huge thanks to Ms. Dayang and all my teammates for this event.

Xin Ling, Year 13 Rosebery

Friday Flyer

From the left : Keira, Darshinie, Laekeisya, Viviana, Elie

Shan Nie, Jing Yan, Xin Ling, Yi En, Zi Hui

More Great Golf

Warmest congratulations to Adrianna, Year 9, Roseberry, on her golfing achievements over the weekend.

Adrianna recently competed in Legs 5 and 6 of the US KIDS GOLF MALAYSIA LOCAL TOUR in A Famosa Golf Resort Malacca.

Adrianna came in second spot on Leg 5 scoring 80 and champion on Leg 6 scoring 73.

She completed all 6 legs of the tournament and was crowned player with the best lowest overall gross and order of merit Champion for the Girls aged 13-14 category.

Adrianna is currently in New Delhi, India as she was selected by the MILO Sportexcel Organisation to represent Malaysia for the US KIDS INDIAN CHAMPIONSHIP starting tomorrow for 3 days.

Adrianna is playing some seriously great golf!

Business Studies and Economics (BSE) Society Gets Festive!

The BSE Soc Team have been busy bees…

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Computer Science Updates

Enhancing Computer Science Education through Bilingual Instruction at EPSOM
At EPSOM, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional education that addresses the unique needs of every student. Our innovative approach to Computer Science education is exemplified through the X classes—specialized bilingual classes designed to empower bright and intelligent students who encounter language proficiency challenges.

Bilingual Learning Experience:
In our 8X and 9X classes, students embark on a comprehensive journey where they not only delve into the intricacies of Computer Science, including Python programming and Binary Denary Hexadecimal conversion, but also work intensively to enhance their English proficiency. Through verbal and written bilingual instruction, students from China, Japan, and Korea receive tailored learning materials in their respective languages, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

Teacher Support:
Our dedicated educators employ a multilingual teaching strategy, seamlessly switching between English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, supported by online translators. This approach ensures that students gain a deep understanding of Computer Science concepts with confidence and comfort.

Survey Results:
A recent student survey reveals that 90% of English as an Additional Language (EAL) students find comfort and efficacy in our bilingual instruction. This approach not only enhances their Computer Science learning but also contributes significantly to improving their English proficiency. The harmonious learning environment fosters collaboration between teachers and students, creating a positive educational experience.

Transition to Mainstream Classes:
As students progress and achieve higher levels of English proficiency, a seamless transition occurs from X classes to the regular mainstream English classes. In these mainstream classes, lessons are conducted exclusively in English, providing students with the opportunity to apply their refined language skills in a broader academic context.

At EPSOM, we take pride in offering a holistic learning experience that nurtures both academic excellence and language proficiency. Our commitment to innovation ensures that every student, regardless of language challenges, receives the personalized support needed to excel in Computer Science and beyond.

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Epsom Games Society Event

FIFA Social

"Hello, this is your Games Society Head, Hong Zhi speaking. We were delighted to be able to bring the FIFA Social to Epsom. During the social, students from different houses and different years all participated in the FIFA Social, interacting with each other, creating new friendship bonds. We also wanted the students to relax and forget their study stress for a day. Fortunately, the social event served its purpose. Students were able to have fun and create new bonds, making us, the Games Society, achieve our motto, FUN is the way of life!"

Yes, fun really is essential in our daily lives isn't it? And it happened just last week; as our very first event of the year! It mainly consisted of a tournament bracket where participants competed one-on-one with each other virtually, on a PlayStation 5 that was lent by generous donors to ensure the success of this event.

This event happened over 2 days, and while I was unfortunately only able to attend the second half of the social, the tension could already be felt in the air, as passionate sportsmen and women sought to assert their dominance over physical and virtual areas of sports. Furthermore, there was a cash prize waiting to be claimed by the eventual victor, and we'll see who earns that champion spot soon…

But for now, here are some pictures taken from the event:

The event started with tens of our fellow students willingly getting on board with this opportunity to show their skills, and competitors were dwindled down to only two contestants: Bruce from Year 11 and Yunseo (Steven) from Year 12.

Things were tense and adrenaline-fuelled as the two "kicked off" to conclude the tournament and be the undefeated winner.

Eventually, the hard-fought battle went Steven's way, and he clenched the title of the FIFA Social champion! Many congratulations to Steven with the promised cash prize of RM50.

For a first event coordinated by the new (and improved!) Games Society, it could not have run as smoothly as it did without the help of our fellow Epsomians' support: From aspiring participants, to avid spectators watching and supporting their peers in competing.

Following this amazing achievement in the past, we look forward to introducing new socials or tournaments just like this FIFA social that will definitely captivate everyone's interest. So keep yourself up to date by looking out for any possible emails sent from us, or by following us on Instagram @epsomgamessociety!

Have a great weekend!

Khai Zhe
Director of Communications
Games Society 23/24

Epsom Mouratoglou Tennis Academy Update

Dear Epsom Community Members,

The Mouratoglou x Epsom contingent showcased exceptional performances at the 38th RGB PG Open International Juniors Age Group Tennis Competition 2023. Our young athletes exhibited remarkable skill, promising potential, and resilience throughout the tournament.

Top Performance Highlights:

  • Kyra (Girls 18&U): Achieved an impressive 3rd place in Doubles.
  • Charlotte (Girls 16&U): Progressed to the Semi-Finals in Doubles and reached the Quarter-Finals in Singles.
  • Eva (Girls 12&U): Stood out with a Semi-Final finish in Singles and a strong performance up to the Quarter-Finals in Doubles.
  • Riona (Girls 12&U): Showcased her talent by reaching the Semi-Finals in Doubles and the Quarter-Finals in Singles

Consistent Performer:

Kevin (Boys 14&U): Reached the Round of 16 in both Singles and Doubles, demonstrating consistent performance across categories.

Emerging Talent:

Shino (Girls 10&U): Marked her potential with a Semi-Final appearance in Doubles and the Quarter-Finals in Singles, indicating a promising future in the sport.

Congratulations to athletes Yordan,Caroline,Rishvan,and Jake for their outstanding efforts in their inaugural international tournament. They showcased exceptional tennis skills, garnered valuable experiences, and demonstrated remarkable sportsmanship.

These achievements, particularly the advancement to later stages such as Semi-Finals and Quarter-Finals, underscore the high level of competition and the exceptional skills of our young athletes. Their performances in both Singles and Doubles reflect not only their technical abilities but also their adaptability and resilience in various match settings. These results are a testament to their strong training and dedication, making them noteworthy talents in junior tennis.

MTP Team

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Epsom Open Mic Night in Pictures

So, Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend.

Happy Friday from us all at Epsom.


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