Headmaster's Welcome

Friday Flyer

This Epsom College in Malaysia (ECiM) celebrates its 10-year anniversary. Since its establishment in September 2014, ECiM has evolved into a thriving institution dedicated to providing a world class holistic education for our students.While Epsom College in Malaysia is a relatively young institution, its roots trace back to our distinguished sister school, Epsom College in the United Kingdom, founded in 1855. The guiding principles of benevolence and excellence established by Dr. John Propert, the founder of Epsom College in the UK, continues to shape ECiM's ethos today.

The essence of ECiM lies in the nurturing and supportive community it fosters. Our motto, "Learn, Care, Aspire," encapsulates the ethos that permeates every aspect of our school. ECiM’s commitment to learning is evident in our students' curiosity, engagement, and proactive approach to academic challenges. ECiM encourages a love of learning that extends beyond the classroom, with students participating in co-curricular activities such as sports, music, and drama. Students develop lifelong friendships, and cultivate meaningful teacher-pupil relationships. Students are encouraged to reflect on the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of caring for oneself and others.

In its inaugural year, ECiM opened its doors to both Prep and Senior school students, laying the foundation for a comprehensive educational experience. The school quickly gained recognition for its commitment to academic excellence, becoming a panel school for Bank Negara scholars in January 2015. As the years unfolded, ECiM continued to expand its horizons, joining esteemed international organisations such as FOBISIA, BSA, Roundtable, and AIMS. The school's commitment to global education is further exemplified by its students' achievements, including their acceptance into prestigious Universities and Colleges globally such as Cambridge University, Stanford, NUS, the University of Tokyo and Tsingua to name but a few.

Aspiring to greatness is integral to our philosophy at Epsom. We set high standards for both students and educators, fostering ambition, enthusiasm, and a commitment to positive change. Through engaging teaching and a robust super-curricular program, ECiM inspires students to pursue their interests beyond the classroom, leading to successful applications to top universities worldwide.

In April 2022, Epsom College in Malaysia made a significant stride in the world of sports and fitness by launching the Mouratoglou Tennis Programme in partnership with Patrick Mouratoglou. The programme commenced in September 2022 and nurtures young tennis enthusiasts, creating a pathway to success in the sport.

In September 2023, ECiM opened a state-of-the-art Golf Academy. Boasting an impressive onsite facility, the academy includes a 250-metre driving range with wedge targets, 30 hitting bays, an 800 sqm putting green, 2 sand bunkers, and a 500 sqm chipping green, providing students with unparalleled opportunities to hone their golfing skills.

Adding to its array of specialised programs, Epsom College in Malaysia also inaugurated the La Liga Football Academy in September 2023, fostering a culture of excellence and skill development in the realm of football.

These academies enrich the holistic education that we offer. Sport shapes character, builds resilience, grit and determination, self reliance as well as the ability to set oneself goals both in the long and short term. Such skills are essential for success both on and off the court/pitch / course.

In celebrating its 10-year anniversary, Epsom College in Malaysia not only reflects on its achievements but also looks forward to a future filled with continued growth, innovation, and the unwavering commitment to shaping young minds into global citizens prepared to make a difference in the world. Congratulations to Epsom College in Malaysia on a decade of educational excellence!

I would like to thank you, our Epsom families, for all your support over the years and we look forward to celebrating this important milestone with you over the coming months.

I hope you enjoy the articles to follow - Happy Reading and Happy Friday!

Best wishes for the weekend,

Mr Matthew Brown,

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Epsom's Term One - A Tale of Academic Resilience and Festive Fun by our Heads of College, Jing Yan Elliot

Looking back on a busy term one with the Year 13 students working hard to apply to university, making academic comebacks with their internal tests and exams, we, as Year 13 students, are one step closer to getting into university. We can only thank ourselves for working hard and continuously pushing ourselves each step of the way. From a prefect's perspective, we wanted to reward students from all years for their hard work during a busy term 1. Open mics were held once every half term to allow students to express themselves in the arts through singing or dancing. Students were able to display their amazing talents that they may not have been able to showcase before. Following that, we had our Mid-Autumn Festival led by Ke Ee, our admission prefect.

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Friday Flyer

Furthermore, we had socials such as the whole school event of Halloween, spearheaded by Xin Ling, Karishaa, and Vash, our Social Prefects. Prep school students were able to dress up as their favorite characters and go trick-or-treating during school. At night, the fun continued with students dressing up and attending the haunted house run by the prefects, ending the night by watching the sky light up with fireworks.

We ended the year with the KS4 debate week, organized by Ann Yi, our Academic Prefect, where students challenged and rebutted their fellow yearmates, and the champions were Granville! One of the highlights of the year was the Christmas Social where students sang Christmas songs and exchanged gifts via Secret Santa.

As the Spring Festival draws near, a group of Year 12 students, including Sameer, Damon, Woorin, Jesslyn, and Young Gyoum, collaborated with Social Prefects Xin Ling, Karishaa, and Vash to organize a KS5 Spring Festival Social scheduled for the upcoming Tuesday. The event will feature a variety of innovative activities, with the proceeds contributing to the Funds for Epsom Ball.

Friday Flyer

Alongside these events, the KS5 Public Speaking Competition 2024, organized by Jing Yan (Head of College), witnessed the successful submission of speech videos by nine participants before the Monday deadline. Their courage and dedication in stepping forward to engage in this meaningful competition are truly admirable. They brought diverse perspectives on the theme of "Youth" to the fore, presenting a challenging task for the prefects judging panel to shortlist only four speeches for the Final round. Stay tuned for updates on the competition by following our Instagram @epsomprefects.

Friday Flyer

Moreover, the social prefects planned a Valentine's Day fundraising initiative, selling Valentine's-related items such as roses and brownies to generate additional funds for the Epsom Ball. Koutatsu, one of the International Prefects, has taken the lead in creating the International Japanese Culture CCA, designed to offer solace to Japanese students, particularly juniors and newcomers.

With these initiatives, we aspire to foster a thriving, passionate, and motivated Epsom community, providing opportunities for students to maintain a work-life balance, especially for Year 13s who are sitting for external and internal exams.

As we start the second term of the academic year, it opens a new door of opportunity for the Year 12 students. They have the chance to showcase their skills via prefect applications. During these applications, students will go through the experience of applying with a cover letter and a CV, going through interviews similar to Oxbridge. We will then select the best of the best to assume the roles of Prefectship.

Propert House News

We speak a lot about values in Propert House. Values are important as they provide a moral compass. They shape our behaviour, influence our relationships, and contribute to a sense of purpose. We have three big values here at Propert House: Pride, Consideration and Respect.

Friday Flyer

Propert boys take pride in their academic achievements, extracurricular accomplishments and personal growth. Pride can manifest positively as a source of motivation and self-esteem.We are proud of where we have come from and what we have achieved. We take pride in our living spaces, we make sure that our rooms and communal spaces are clean and are hygienic. We take pride in our uniform as it represents our community and what it stands for. We take pride in a job well done!

Friday Flyer

Propert boys are considerate of others. We may not all come from the same background or perspective, but we understand this, acknowledge this and welcome our differences. Ultimately, we are all striving to be the best we can be. We are considerate of the other 64 boys living under the same roof - we understand that we all have different schedules, challenges and goals. We practice discipline and self control in order for our peers and fellow boarders to feel happy and safe in Propert.

Friday Flyer

Finally, respect. We respect everyone, no matter who they are. We respect all members of the Epsom community, be it a teacher, cleaner, support staff, catering staff or administration. We greet each other with respect and tie our blue ties with pride. Around the school and the wider community, we respect each other's opinions, valuing contributions in order to foster a sense of community.

Friday Flyer

By embodying these shared values we can foster trust, cooperation, and a foundation for ethical and harmonious living. Values are fundamental for personal and collective well-being. Holding these values builds character - it makes for a better future for us all.

Mr Matt Richardson
Housemaster, Propert House

Crawfurd House Updates

Year 10 and Year 11 Students Enjoy a Night of Fun and Friendship…

Saturday evening was a fantastic opportunity for our students to come together, unwind, and enjoy an evening filled with laughter, fun, and, of course, a bit of friendly competition.

The Bingo Night provided a welcome break from the rigors of academic life for our students, with similar events taking place across the school’s campus. Crawfurd House hosted the Y10 and Y11 students in their spacious common room, transformed into a lively bingo hall for the evening. The room was buzzing with anticipation as students eagerly awaited the start of the games.

The traditional game of bingo proved to be the perfect choice for the occasion. The air was thick with excitement as the numbers were called out, and students eagerly marked their cards, hoping for that elusive winning combination of a line or full house. Cheers erupted each time someone shouted "Bingo!" – a testament to the enthusiasm and spirited atmosphere in the room.

To add to the excitement, Crawfurd House had organised a range of prizes, from ‘money can’t win’ vouchers to silly mystery prizes, ensuring that winners left with more than just bragging rights. The prizes added an extra layer of competitiveness and motivated students to engage actively in the games.

Beyond the thrill of winning, what truly stood out was the sense of community that blossomed throughout the game. Students from different year groups and houses came together, forming new connections and strengthening existing friendships. It was heartening to witness the unity and support that permeated the room, with students assisting each other in understanding the rules of the game.

As the games drew to a close, the smiles on the faces of our Year 10 and Year 11 students spoke volumes. The Bingo Night at Crawfurd House was more than just a game; it was an opportunity for our students to unwind, connect with their peers, and create lasting memories within the school community.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to those who spent time organising and putting together such a delightful and well-executed event. We look forward to more gatherings that bring our students together, fostering a sense of belonging and unity within our school.

Mrs Helen Miller,
Housemistress, Crawfurd House.

Music Department Updates

This term promises to be another exciting one for the Music department with some key events to look forward to. Last term, we hosted 10 concerts, featuring a mix of small recitals and large whole school events.

Friday Flyer

The Music Department is undergoing some key upgrades this year. During the last term, we introduced our new Theatre Lobby Stage, situated outside the first-floor theatre entrance. It is available for our smaller concerts and also for students to run their own events. As student numbers have grown, we have received the delivery of many new instruments, including more than 20 wind instruments for the Prep Instrumental Programme, five new pianos, and new band equipment to upgrade our band practice rooms. Our most exciting new addition (according to Mr. Brown) is the “Play Me Piano,” situated in the Admin Foyer area, which encourages students to play the piano whenever they are passing by. Music is now being heard during break times, lunchtimes, evenings, and weekends.

Our other new addition this year is our Performing Arts Administrator, Miss Munira. She has joined us to help with all aspects of the Performing Arts but specifically to administer the Instrumental Music Lessons. With a wealth of experience of working in previous Music Centres, Miss Munira is now responsible for booking all of the lessons and liaising with parents, teachers and students. If you have any questions regarding our Instrumental Lessons, please contact her and she will be happy to help.

Friday Flyer

Upcoming events:

On Sunday, 28th January, our Senior String Ensemble has been invited to open the KJC International Arts Festival hosted by Epsom. The festival brings together students from across Asia to compete on a wide variety of instruments ranging from piano to guzheng. Our string players have also been invited to attend the Awards Ceremony in Dewan Philharmonic in KLCC on 30th January, where the Senior Strings will perform as guest performers during the ceremony. This is an incredible opportunity for the students to play in the most impressive concert hall in Malaysia.

Friday Flyer

Over the next two months, the Music and Drama departments are working together for our Senior Production of the smash hit musical “We Will Rock You,” which features the music of the rock band Queen. Details of how to book tickets will be available soon for the performances on 27th, 28th, and 29th February.

Once again, this term’s Open Mic Night is dedicated to St Valentine and gives students and staff the opportunity to sing songs about love and friendship. The event takes place on our Theatre Lobby Stage on 20th February, and there is still plenty of time to sign up - whether as a soloist, duet, or band. The Open Mic Nights have proved very popular with both students and staff, and we had over 25 performances at the similar event in November.

Friday Flyer

Our annual Instrumental Music Competition will be held on 6th March during the school day, with the Finalists Competition in the evening. Entry for the competition is now open, and students will be placed into groups based on their instrument and experience. Last year, the competition was highly successful with over 40 students taking part. We hope this year to double the number of entrants and have included an ensemble category as well as categories for every instrument.

Friday Flyer

The term will come to a conclusion with the usual end-of-term concerts, the Prep School Recital, and Senior School Concert.

This year, Mr. Azmi has introduced a whole-school focus in Music lessons for the Prep School so that students develop their understanding of different styles and genres of music as well as their instrumental skills and theory knowledge. This term, the focus for all year groups is Folk Music, with a range of local and international folk songs. We hope that our students will gain an understanding of the tradition of music from Malaysia and beyond.

Friday Flyer

Our end-of-term Senior School Concert on 26th March will be based on the highly popular theme of “Night at the Movies.” Our ensembles are choosing pieces from their favourite films to perform on the night with movie clips projected onto the giant screen.

We encourage families and friends to come to all of these concerts, so please look out for details on the Epsom Events each week.

Mr Russell Crann,
Director of Performing Arts

A Message from Epsom Maths Department

This week we presented the Kangaroo Maths Awards from 2023. The results were outstanding with students from Year 5 all the way through to Year 13 obtaining awards. 47,000 students from all over Malaysia participated in the nationwide competition. The achievements of the students are also internationally recognised with the Kangaroo Maths competition taking place in 98 countries around the world with over 6 million students participating.

Those receiving an ‘Honourable Mention’ Certificate were placed in the top 40% of students. It was lovely to see so many happy faces on stage receiving their awards!

Friday Flyer

Dillon, Jasmine, Jing Yan, Molly, Vash, Yuren, Aisha, Bruce, Edison, Yi Ro, Arthur, Khai Zhe, Rion, Sara Alesha, Hong Zhi, Umair, Melvern, Damon, Yunju, Anna Ruth, Chaewon, Eric, Charlotte, Eunice, Hyunwoo, Jaden, Keevaan Marcos, Sora, Zi Yi, Yuzuki, Jayden, Jordan, Keith, Nobu, Oscar and Paxton.

The students receiving Bronze, Silver and Gold medals were placed in the top 10% of all students, which is a remarkable feat!

Our Bronze medallists this year were: Yuqin, Edric, You Qian, Nexus, Leah, Yusi, Eason, Young- Gyoum, Shang Jing.

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Our Silver medallists were: Charles, ChenHe and Zhi Yu.

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Our Gold medallists were: Leo, Joeun and Peter.

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In a celebration of mathematical achievement this year, we also awarded the Headmaster’s Distinction to Dillon for being the first Epsom student to complete Level 4 of the Fobisia Code Breaking competition in 2023. Fantastic work, Dillon!

Friday Flyer

Business and Economics Society Talk

This week Imran, Year 12 Granville, fromour the BSE society held a presentation on China’s economy and its currency.

Friday Flyer

Epsom v GIS Tennis Fixture

Epsom Mouratoglou Tennis Academy student athletes were proud to host a friendly tournament against Garden International School at the weekend.

There was some excellent tennis played and our Epsomians were the proud winners of every match!

We look forward to more MTP success in 2024.

Best wishes,

The MTP Team.

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Epsom Visits the National Art Gallery in KL

We took the IGCSE and A Level Art students to the National Art Gallery in KL where they enjoyed exploring the gallery and observed a range of local artists' work through paintings, drawings, textiles, sculptures, and installations. This primary research will play an important part in their analysis as they develop their ideas in their Art Portfolios.

Ms Gemma Marsden,
Head of Art.

Inter House Chess Competition

The first floor was abuzz with activity during the Inter House Chess Competition! We have some extremely talented players at Epsom and awards were given during assembly - special congratulations to Faruq, Year 13 Granville, who came out as the ultimate Epsom tennis champion of 2024!

See below for Faruq in action and receiving his award from Mr Brown, Headmaster:

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Here are representatives of the winning Houses receiving their awards:



Inter House Swimming Competition in Pictures

Meet our Team

Hello, we are Angela and Yunn Xynn of Crawfurd House and we would like to introduce you to some of our lovely Epsom teachers! This week we have interviewed Mr. Yau - one of our Art staff…

Friday Flyer

Mr Yau,

What inspired you to become an art teacher, and why do you enjoy teaching this subject?

My love for creating with my hands and capturing shapes led me to become an art teacher. I enjoy inspiring students to explore their artistic potential and fostering a lifelong appreciation for the creative process.

Do you have any advice or tips on how to help students feel more confident in drawing and how to master drawing skills more quickly?

Practice regularly, break down complex subjects into simple shapes, and embrace mistakes as part of the learning process. Confidence in drawing grows with consistent effort and a positive mindset.

(Tips for Y9 student) Could you describe what the subject is about, please?

Art is the expression of ideas from your unique perspective. While creativity knows no bounds, mastering the basics lays a foundation for confident and informed artistic exploration.

Can you describe yourself in 3 words?

Passionate, Inspiring, Supportive

To learn more about our staff at Epsom, please click on this LINK.

Have a great weekend,

Yunn Xynn and Angela 🙂

So, Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend.

Happy Friday from us all at Epsom.


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