Pastoral Care

Building a Global Community

At Epsom, we are an international community whose strength lies in the emphasis it places on discipline, tolerance and the understanding of one another. Teachers and support staff in both the Prep and Senior School develop a personal care for, and interest in, individual pupils; to draw out their passions and interests, to ensure their time at the College is rewarding.

Student Welfare & Wellbeing

The wellbeing and safety of all our students is paramount. All staff take great care and pride in getting to know each student as an individual, and in respecting them for the unique qualities they bring to our community.

Epsom has been named a Beacon for Student Welfare by the Council of British International Schools (COBIS).

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"The well-being of students is a clear priority at ECIM. All students in discussion endorsed the view that their well-being is the main priority of everyone at the school. Unconditional pastoral care is one of the key aims of the school development plan and this is already evident in every aspect of school life – from the very visible, caring and relatable Headmaster to the Senior Leadership Team, the HMMs and their boarding teams, teachers in the classroom and the administrative team that supports the school so well.”

- Council of British International Schools (COBIS)


Safeguarding is at the heart of pastoral care at Epsom. It is in all that we do for the best interests of our students, enabling them to achieve their potential.

All staff play a role in safeguarding by ensuring a safe environment in which children can learn. Staff are on hand to listen to any concerns a pupil may have, and will take prompt action to ensure the matter is addressed.

Safeguarding Team

The Safeguarding Team is led by our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Kate Fowler and a team of Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

The staff at Epsom complete an online safeguarding qualification provided by Tes Develop, a recognised provider of safeguarding courses to schools in the UK and international market.

We work collectively within the Epsom Community to ensure the safeguarding and wellbeing of our students and members of the community.

The Team can be contacted at

Safe & Secure Environment

At Epsom College in Malaysia, the welfare and protection of our students is our top priority.

We believe every student deserves to learn in a safe and supportive setting, free from harm or mistreatment. Our school fosters an environment of trust and mutual responsibility, ensuring openness and care in all our interactions.

A 4-Tier Security System:

Medical Facility

Our Medical Room & Sanitorium is staffed by Registered Nurses 24 hours a day during term time. Additionally, students also have access to our counselling service (Monday-Friday).

Confidential Counselling

We take the wellbeing of all our students incredibly seriously, but we know that children – like adults – may need a helping hand from time to time. That’s why we have fully-qualified counsellors onsite.

Our counsellors provide guidance and support on all manner of topics and also advice students and parents the rightful course of action if the student requires additional help outside the capacity of the school.

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