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Senior School

Transitioning To Senior School

Many pupils will move up to our Senior School from our Prep School while others will join us from schools across Malaysia and Asia. Some will be day pupils and others will board with us.

All pupils will be supported to make the transition to this next stage in their education.

We understand that for many this will represent their first boarding experience and that the majority of students will be far from home. They will all receive a warm welcome into our school community and we will do all that we can to help them settle quickly into what we hope will be their home from home.

Years 7 -9

We nurture talents, offer diverse activities, ensure personalised attention, and prepare for IGCSE choices with EAL support.​


Years 10 - 11

Tailored support for the IGCSE journey, dedicated subject specialists, and rich co-curricular activities ensure holistic growth.

IGCSE Choices

In the Senior School we welcome learners aged 11+ who are keen to improve on their previous best.

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Your Child's Journey Towards Success Begins Here

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